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Apologies to all those who don't like sentimental drivel but I just had to say that I love living in Normandy.  I know it's not the most fashionable area in France, people think the weather is warmer further south etc.  but today was the most amazing day.  The weather was fantastic, started off a bit cool but by lunchtime it was warm enough for short sleeves.  Set off for a vide grenier near Vire, scenery on the drive down from Carentan was fantastic, great roads, hardly any traffic. Lots of pretty villages to drive through.  So many flowers out, especially in the hanging baskets. Vide grenier was great fun, got lots of bargains, wasn't ridiculed for my terrible accent when haggling.  Was great to see families out together, there were no rowdy crowds, just lots of people enjoying the sunshine and having fun.  Had great sausage for lunch, followed by crepes.  On the drive home, still light until about 7 pm.  Neighbour called round with some homemade soup and fresh farm eggs (she is worried that because I am by myself until hubby gets back the end of the month, that I am going to fade away).  Other french friends stopped by to invite me round for supper next weekend.  Sitting down to catch up on emails etc I suddenly realised I'm happy and that I love living in Normandy. 

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I could'nt agree more, we live just north of you and its an area most people travel through to go somewhere else, how wrong can they be, the people are so friendly, our French neighbours are always bringing us things from their gardens or things they have made, the Marie called around on Saturday morning to invite us to the yearly free village meal, he said lots to eat and drink and lots of people to meet, we have been here 18 months now and we dont regret a thing.[:)]
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We too live in Normandie and fairly near Percy. Percy is Percy and was very much in the action in the second world war so lots to commend it although the A84 has now basically meant that it is dying.  Not my words but the locals and everyone is suffering.

When we first bought our house we bought on impulse wonderful August day a truly lovely house with superb and I mean superb views orchard large lawns huge greenhouse etc etc.  Thought of it as a second home for then we were up to our eyes in work and my being in the law and so every day was different.

Then retired and the second home became the primary residence but with investments back home so if things do not work out can go back.

Biggest problem the three l's location location location.  We are a bit isolated and do not see many people especially in the winter and with last year being snowed in for about ten days in all.

Also having lived like most people in the UK a fairly hectic life now find that I cannot adjust either to retirement or indeed to life in Normandie or should I say where we live.  We have decided to move and move towards Honfleur Pont Eveque for we still need to be able to get back for children grandchildren and aged Mum.

After matters evolve and we are spared then further south to the Lot y Garonne that we know well and love.

Today went to Granville and superb lovely day out but then back up our hill to isolation.  Numerous contributors have pointed out the downside to remote location and whilst many  can handle it I cannot especially when faced like most people with a demanding life style in the UK.  As I say many have no problem with retirement but some of us do.

Normandie is wonderful but it all depends at the same time as to where you live.

Perhaps I should continue back in the UK like Rumpole and end my days in harness.  Sorry not for me so what is?


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[quote user="Llwyncelyn"]

We too live in Normandie and fairly near Percy. Percy is Percy and was very much in the action in the second world war so lots to commend it although the A84 has now basically meant that it is dying.  Not my words but the locals and everyone is suffering.

When we first bought our house we bought on impulse wonderful August day a truly lovely house with superb and I mean superb views orchard large lawns huge greenhouse etc etc.  Thought of it as a second home for then we were up to our eyes in work and my being in the law and so every day was different.

Then retired and the second home became the primary residence but with investments back home so if things do not work out can go back.

Biggest problem the three l's location location location.  We are a bit isolated and do not see many people especially in the winter and with last year being snowed in for about ten days in all.

Also having lived like most people in the UK a fairly hectic life now find that I cannot adjust either to retirement or indeed to life in Normandie or should I say where we live.  We have decided to move and move towards Honfleur Pont Eveque for we still need to be able to get back for children grandchildren and aged Mum.

After matters evolve and we are spared then further south to the Lot y Garonne that we know well and love.

Today went to Granville and superb lovely day out but then back up our hill to isolation.  Numerous contributors have pointed out the downside to remote location and whilst many  can handle it I cannot especially when faced like most people with a demanding life style in the UK.  As I say many have no problem with retirement but some of us do.

Normandie is wonderful but it all depends at the same time as to where you live.

Perhaps I should continue back in the UK like Rumpole and end my days in harness.  Sorry not for me so what is?



We bought our property in St Sever(14) in February of this year, been here since then ,we looked at the former house of "The Cardinal" near the main square, in Percy but decided we didn’t like the town.

St Sever is only a village ,but it is reasonably vibrant  at certain times ,with a dozen or so shops and "4 bars" We can walk to everywhere in the village including, Church,Salle de fete, enormous Depot Vente, public swimming pool open in July and August, builder’s merchants and the notaries if we need to.

I would 2nd guess if you had chosen a different town/village your experience might have been better.

I also firmly believe that when people live in a new location, they should visit the local pubs, almost on a daily basis, it is the quickest way to get to know locals and for them to get to know you!

Kind regards,



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We bought our place in 2000, when we were both very stressed - burned out, even. We wanted isolation, silence and green, which we found. Since then we have changed, we are both happier and more relaxed, and now we would choose somewhere in a village or small town. Mais tant pis - it's still great not to hear traffic, police sirens, traffic and so on all day. And as I almost don't drink now, we can drive out in the evenings. I miss the chance to 'integrate' more, that's all.

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We saw many rural cottages that I wanted to buy. But moh had a list and

one of the items on it was walking distance to church and bars. And I

am so very pleased he didn't let me buy the first place we had seen!!

We ended up buying on the edge of a small town, we are the last house

so are surrounded by fields, but 2 mins down the road is the High

Street. Many of the bar owners and shopkeepers know us, watch out for

the cottage, and are very helpful - we are so very lucky. We think it

is perfect - and less than an hour to Cherbourg. In fact the road trip,

door to door, is less than an hour!!  [:D]

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Well done exactly what we should have done.  I was sedduced




Hi well done I was seduced by what I saw and normally I am feet on the ground and after so many years of hassle in the law it seemingly was a bolt hole.  I would not say we hate it far from it but ever so slowly it is getting to me.  Fine as a second home but never never as a primary residence.  I should have and do know better.

We are moving and further south and to an area that we know particularly well so its not sort of missionary work.

My mistake nothing at all to do with Manche or the French or the village they could not be more helpful or pleasant.  Its the three l's.










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This post ought to be compulsory reading for all those on the discussion Forum who opined about how the UK is so great!

Seriously  - I was brought up in France (Angers) and de Musset's 'Vire' was the first poem I ever learned to say aloud - I must have been about 5.

Vire, c'est un lieu delicieux.

'Vire, est une ville Normande

.Ce n'est pas un Sejour des Dieux -

Mais Vire, c'est un lieu delicieux!'

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Eskinazi - I really don't understand your point. This isn't an either-or issue. I love France and I love my bit of the UK (and a lot of other bits, too).  In fact my favourite city is Durham, followed by Rouen. Spot the similarities! France allows me access to a lifestyle (for part of the year) that I could not aspire to in England, especially in the South East, but England offers a richness, especially cultural, that I'm never going to get in deepest rural Normandy. I suppose it depends on whether your glass is half full or half empty.

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I know exactly what you mean, Llwyncelyn. Although we have been happily settled in Normandy for several years and have many French friends, with advancing years my husband and I feel the need to be less isolated and perhaps (dare I say it?) even to be nearer our own people - the British! We would prefer to stay in Basse Normandy, though, so can anyone tell us where in Normandy most Brits live?
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Gillian it is a serious problem at least for my wife and myself and we will do something about it.  Again and I know it was widespread last night but we suffered on this hill with wind and rain and it brought things down.  Obviously our climate is changing and that would be the case wherever one decided to live.  However I am Welsh know the mountains and hills of Wales very well and all that entails.  However I decided to live on a small hill?  I must have and indeed must be mad.

Come the spring this house goes up for sale.  However saying that it would be helpful to know the suggested route of the THT lines?  I know there is a big meeting this week end in Ste Harcourt but I am told that the route will not be known until 2007/2008.  That being the case would there be a market for selling in our (Percy) area of Manche at this moment in time?



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I heard a rumour (ok - it's only something I've heard via someone else) that Percy is in the clear and won't be getting the THT lines. It is however said to be getting wind turbines instead, but who knows?

We lived happily in and around Percy for over four years before moving to Lot et Garonne, and found it a very friendly, pleasant place to live.

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I like Percy too, I don't know why everyone's moaning about it.  Friends had a B&B at Le Chefresne for about 11 years, so until we bought our house in 1999 we spent several holidays based there from 1994 onwards and I think it's improved leaps and bounds over the years, especially since they did up the main street.

I don't quite understand the view about it dying since the A84 came into existance.  I know that the D999 is a route south from Cherbourg but then so is the N174 which used to run through Torigni and since the new N174 was built to by-pass Torigni it has only improved, now having lost all the HGVs that used to come through town.

If the locals are complaining that shops are closing then I don't think that is anything to do with the A84, shops are closing in all the villages around as Saint Lo expands so rapidly.

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Cheryl are you the Cheryl and Steve partnership?  If so did you used to live on the road to Villedieu then moved to Mont Robin then to Notre D de Cenilly. If so then we know the people who bought your house on the Villedieu from you.


Went on holiday to the Lot y Garonne this year quite a culture shock especially places like St Livrade.  Do you know what I mean.  We stayed on the road to Agen but the name escapes me now. Lot y Garonne is wonderful.

Wind turbines when did this come into the equasion?  I cannot remember anything being said about this.  Obviously gossip all around but if wind turbines then we are in the face of it living on Mont Robin



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I too like Percy its friendly but due to either St Lo or the autoroute things are a'changing.  The main artisan here SARL Lenevue is closed and the workshop and house in the country has been sold and the sons gone their own way.  The people in the Moulin on the Le Chefresne road want to sell but cannot.  There have been houses for sale for so long that the pictures in the Notaire have adopted a sepia colour.  The shoe shop has closed the photographers closed and even one baker buying in frozen dough.

Le Bar Liberty remains as it has been for so many years as has the Brocante Bar at Le Chefresne lets thank our lucky stars.


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It is a shame, but hopefully a quieter Percy will encourage other

businesses. I love the town - had many a lovely chocolat and bought

some lovely bowls there.  It is difficult when a by-pass is built,

but I do believe that eventually it is a benefit. But I know, not


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Llwyncelyn, I'm guessing that your house is the one on Mont Robin where we we met when we turned round in your entrance on the way to the dechetterie ( we were lost, had a blue Zafira with trailer).

We love the Percy area and living in Le Chefresne we think we have the best of all world. Christians bar/brocante in Le Chefresne is certainly a 'trip back in time' place.Long may it remain.

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