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Paypal on 3916?


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I see from another forum that a French court has ruled that Paypal accounts should be declared, so logically all accounts such as credit cards, charge cards, "preloaded" credit cards should also be declared, along with accounts with money transfer companies, Christmas clubs, and so on.

The information given is here http://www.slate.fr/france/78588/declarer-compte-paypal-etrangers-fisc-impot-fraude

I once had some monthly and three-monthly online deposits with my Spanish bank, and every time I renewed for another period a new account was opened. In some years, with these and my other various accounts I submitted over 20 3916's.

I'm told if you submit them on paper you can make out one 3916 and make a separate list of accounts. This doesn't seem possible when declaring on line, but, hey, I've got enough time to fill in a couple of dozen extra 3916's if that keeps someone happy[:D], I can cut and paste the information from a Word document pretty quickly, and seems I'll avoid risking a 1500€ fine.



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[quote user="nomoss"]

I see from another forum that a French court has ruled that Paypal accounts should be declared, so logically all accounts such as credit cards, charge cards, "preloaded" credit cards should also be declared, along with accounts with money transfer companies, Christmas clubs, and so on.

The information given is here http://www.slate.fr/france/78588/declarer-compte-paypal-etrangers-fisc-impot-fraude

I once had some monthly and three-monthly online deposits with my Spanish bank, and every time I renewed for another period a new account was opened. In some years, with these and my other various accounts I submitted over 20 3916's.

I'm told if you submit them on paper you can make out one 3916 and make a separate list of accounts. This doesn't seem possible when declaring on line, but, hey, I've got enough time to fill in a couple of dozen extra 3916's if that keeps someone happy[:D], I can cut and paste the information from a Word document pretty quickly, and seems I'll avoid risking a 1500€ fine. 


The 3916 mentions ' an account which has been opened, closed or used ' during the year in question. So if you haven't used your Paypal account for n number of years and you opened it before the legal decision was made then you should not need to declare it.

As said this poster : migloo :

*Ce n'est pas la *possession* d'un compte à l'étranger qui doit être

déclarée mais, comme le précise l'article 344 du CGI que vous citez au

début, l'ouverture, la fermeture ou l'utilisation dans l'année.

On peut légalement posséder un compte à l'étranger sans l'avoir

jamais déclaré s'il a été ouvert avant la promulgation de l'article 344

et n'a jamais été fermé ou utilisé depuis. Ce cas n'est pas rare.

Ceci étant, les éventuels revenus ou plus-values imposables de ce compte

doivent être déclarés ainsi que la valeur du compte en cas de

franchissement du seuil de l'ISF.*

His assumption seems fair enough to me.


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I can understand this if it is a Paypal account that receives money from sales for example  but I had the impression (false perhaps?) that mine is only a way of paying for things and that I can't actually be paid anything. is that in fact wrong?

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There is some clarification in this article


It seems the person prosecuted was a trader and used the paypal account for receiving payments for goods - which should have been declared.

The article indicates that the declaration does not apply to individuals who pay for goods using paypal, or even use it to receive payment for items they sell, e.g. occasional things on eBay.

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Given that Paypal operates in the EU as a Luxembourg based bank* then any request to them to divulge any information would be met with a 'Go Fish' response so if you don't delacre an account there's no way anyone is going to find out what is in it.

*The office is in Boulevard Royale in Luxembourg Ville.  It consists of one man and a dog.  The dog is there to bite the man if he touches the computer


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