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You also said you were leaving the other forum because you could not get your own way, but you have returned to both forums with your little tail between your legs! What does humble pie taste like?

I really have no more time for you, so you have a good night[:D]

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Consider this statement :- "Impersonate or represent any person or entity in an attempt to deceive, harass or otherwise mislead another member"

This is of course taken directly from the terms and conditions of use of the forum.

It seems obvious to me that you are not a "new" member, although the joining date and post number would give that impression, you are therefore "representing" a person in an attempt to deceive other members of the forum and mislead them into thinking that you are a "newbie". Would you agree with that analysis? Given the truth of that statement I believe that Forum Admin have no choice but to ban you.

My posting last night specifically direct to you was quite polite, your postings since in respect of other forum members or ex-members have been very impolite. Good manners cost nothing, I suggest you consider that point more carefully.


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quote user"woolybanana"

Oh Panda, to respond to what you said way earlier, yeas I am disturbed, seriously so ever since being shot at and hit by a lot of nasty objects and I could become your worst nightmare.

end quote

Good Morning Wooly, I don't remember asking you if you were disturbed?  I was suggesting a tad senile for repetition of all things passed,  but have never said you were disturbed..  now you go put your feet up old chap...worst nightmare, you,? Hardly, you are nothing more than light entertainment on a wet afternoon.......

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Steed, You and those that you follow, should take your own hypocritical advce! You deride and insult the LF members on a daily basis, and then you come here all sweetness and innocence with your verbal diarrhea? Would you like me to quote all the insulting remarks you  make about LF members?  What are you for? You write a lot of words, but you say nothing!You may as well not be here or there, you are blandness in the extreme! You are like a human version of a boiled pea. I will not compromise my integrity by answering you again, do you understand that? Should you not be desalinating now anyway?

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First the name is STEVE, difficult to grasp - no matter.

Interesting comment "those that you follow" I have never been a follower before, leader possibly, in a small way, but follower......?

Please do quote the insulting remarks that I have made about LF members, I really believe that you will struggle to find any.

Blandness. I prefer to think of it as good manners, something not apparent in your own posts.

Your integrity has already been compromised by your behaviour and your insulting writing.

I am desalinating, or rather my desalination plants are.

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feel as if I've fallen into the twilight zone reading some of these posts - have things really changed so much here??

No, my OH is still working in Canada.  He is travelling so much though, we probably see more of each other now I'm back in France as he tries to connect through Paris on all his trips. He's in Spain next week so will drive down to spend the week with him there.  Our eldest has just graduated from university and is working in Lyon for the summer, the other 2 are here with me.  Can't tell you how happy I am to be back.[:D]

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Hello Wooly,

If you say I used the word disturbed I must have, of course silly me.

And no, nowhere near, thankfully, not because of the weird reports in the paper but because  it seem full of weird posters...

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Hey Trumpet, now there's weird and weird, you my friend are just quirky weird, whereas Wooly, well he is obsessive weird, it's his age... think of yourself 20 years on.....you've been talking this week about how you are becoming slightly addicted to forums, in 20 years time you may become obsessive just like Wooly, you have been warned....  

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Hello Wooly,

What were you still doing up at that time, you need to cut down on the armchair dozing you would then sleep a lot better!

Sorry to disappoint but I've no time for antics at the moment as I am up to my neck in work, sad truth for the pre-retired I'm afraid, might get some time at the weekend though.

Back to the grind stone..


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One has to hope this work is legal, satisfying and physically rewarding, rather than the other kind.

My own efforts are not negligible either but I prefer to spread them over a 24 hour period for the moment. By which I imply that the intellectual activity frequently takes place after dark as one is trying to squeeze what one can of the rain free time outside.

You may wish to ask whether the effort you are making at whatever you are doing is truly worth it in the scheme of things. And you will possbily decide that it isn't, in which case do something else.

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