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You are right of course and as I used to enjoy reading the Possum blog I have looked into the forum from time to time.

EDIT: I seem to to be under attack from the nucleus of the 'the worlds against me' clique now.. how well they seem to know me in such a short time..... what amazing powers of perception they seem to have....








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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Panda, Different forums suit different people, many posters use several forums, I post in other places sometimes, it just depends on the thread and in the interest.

Ac 50 - glad to hear you are back, has your husband returned too?



If you like adults that are on the verge of a mental breakdown and you like repetitive, smutty innuendo about merkins, sausages, oranges, Mildred and that Monty Python "i was so poor" sketch, then that is the place for you!

I think they are just completely consumed with this forum and are simply jealous of it's success and it's superior blend of practical, informative and humorous posters! They have a forum where they have free reign to post all that drivel about the merkins etc, and yet they can't seem to survive without looking in here to see if they are being talked about, they love being talked about! The behaviour over there is very disturbing! This is the best forum I have used, and long may it continue[:D]

I look upon the other place as a virtual lock up ward for the terminally insane forum has-been!

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Here we go again, why cannot the great unwashed understand that many people like to look at, and use, more than one forum, and don't like taking life too seriously (whatever their age)? This is like schoolkids, 'my forum's better than yours'. Just because other forums exist doesn't mean you need to slag off the people who use them.
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Oh my God, one of them has escaped! (I'll keep him talking while one of you call an ambulance)

Hi Dick, how goes it? long time no see! Have you still got the beard? I see you are having a lot of weather in Normandy, is that unusual at this time of year? I would love to see your transcript of the "I was so poor" Monty Python sketch! How is Miki keeping? is he still using the embalming fluid? he will keep longer if he keeps on using it! Any sign of Mildred lately? I have to go and wash my merkin now, so I will come and visit you back on the ward. Toodlepip [:D]

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[quote user="S"][quote user="Russethouse"]

Panda, Different forums suit different people, many posters use several forums, I post in other places sometimes, it just depends on the thread and in the interest.

Ac 50 - glad to hear you are back, has your husband returned too?



If you like adults that are on the verge of a mental breakdown and you like repetitive, smutty innuendo about merkins, sausages, oranges, Mildred and that Monty Python "i was so poor" sketch, then that is the place for you!

I think they are just completely consumed with this forum and are simply jealous of it's success and it's superior blend of practical, informative and humorous posters! They have a forum where they have free reign to post all that drivel about the merkins etc, and yet they can't seem to survive without looking in here to see if they are being talked about, they love being talked about! The behaviour over there is very disturbing! This is the best forum I have used, and long may it continue[:D]

I look upon the other place as a virtual lock up ward for the terminally insane forum has-been!



I have been a poster on this forum for much longer than you have (according to the stats on the left). I continue to post here and on the possum side, also on numerous other fora. Your comments are ill informed. Those on the possum forum are not jealous of this forum, a number of them are active members on both (as I am).

Your opinion that we on the possum forum are "disturbed" is not correct, but, as it is your opinion you are perfectly entitled to hold it, and defend it if you wish.

This forum certainly has its place in the grand scheme of things, as does possum world and even AI.

I would suggest you critically examine your overall attitude and realise that each individual has different wishes in respect of cyber-interaction. None are necessarily more correct than the other.

Yes there is drivel, there is also fun and friendly banter, even friendly semi-insulting banter. The majority of possum posters are confident in their relationship with each other both cyber and real.

It is un moderated and, generally does not need moderating because intelligent people know when and where to set the limits.

Basically, what I am saying is .....You are misinformed, biased and plain wrong.


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I have to concur with Panda! Will, how hypocritical was that comment? Do you actually read the other forum posts? Knocking LF is the main topic of conversation! If you have nothing sensible to say, then say nothing!


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Dear Panda seemingly these are on the point of being extinct?

Or kept behind bars in China and fed some sort of bean shoots?

Or is you are particularly frisky shipped out to Amsterdam to strutt your stuff with someone you have never met before.

Do you qualify for any of the above?

As to lack of mobility I used to contribute to this forum will continue perhaps but your comments suggest that I too would be better suited elsewhere.

Finally and here may I just say and please no groans but as a lawyer I have considerable and absolute doubt as to the ability of the forum to dump and exclude contributors and on the basis that the arguments do not conincide with what they believe.

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S are you for real and take a reality test in that you are in wholesale terms labelling those of us who use another forum without giving us the right of reply defending our position or whatever.


You should get out more and if you were to direct your comments to me on a personal basis and I will gladly give you my personal details by email then I will move against you.

Here not threatening but I believe in free speach and you or your lot will not limit that.

So choice is for you and if you have some form of undercarriage is to direct your comments to me on a personal basis then we shall see?

See you in court?

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[quote user="Llwyncelyn"]

S are you for real and take a reality test in that you are in wholesale terms labelling those of us who use another forum without giving us the right of reply defending our position or whatever.


You should get out more and if you were to direct your comments to me on a personal basis and I will gladly give you my personal details by email then I will move against you.

Here not threatening but I believe in free speach and you or your lot will not limit that.

So choice is for you and if you have some form of undercarriage is to direct your comments to me on a personal basis then we shall see?

See you in court?


Llwyncelyn, What are you like!  I have no idea what you're going on about, but I would love to know who your dealer is?

When is the hearing set for? I shall have to see if I have a window available on that date! Will you be calling Panda as a third party? I have an expert witness I would like to testify on my behalf, will that be permissable?

And yes, I have been to the Gower peninisula.

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[quote user="Llwyncelyn"]

Dear Panda seemingly these are on the point of being extinct?

Or kept behind bars in China and fed some sort of bean shoots?

Or is you are particularly frisky shipped out to Amsterdam to strutt your stuff with someone you have never met before.

Do you qualify for any of the above?

As to lack of mobility I used to contribute to this forum will continue perhaps but your comments suggest that I too would be better suited elsewhere.

Finally and here may I just say and please no groans but as a lawyer I have considerable and absolute doubt as to the ability of the forum to dump and exclude contributors and on the basis that the arguments do not conincide with what they believe.



Is I are what?  Shall we try the next post in English..

I am frisky though and have been to Amsterdam, you lot are amazing, have you got a crystal ball up there as well as your head Lwyncelyn?

EDIT: Forgot to say, how do you manage (for how read why) to quote the fact that you are (for are read might be ) a lawyer on every post you make,  no one gives a monkeys what anyone does it's part of the forum fun...

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Panda, have you got a car?  You are very cute [;-)] Will you be a witness for the defence in my upcoming trial?

I thought that too! (about him going on about being a lawyer) I have an excuse for my bad grammar and use of English, but a Lawyer!


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There is little point in squabbling or being rude to people, as Will says many people post on several forums, and there is no reason why they shouldn't.

I find it odd that if I look in some one mentions it but as long as it remains harmless they can get on with it.......

Llwyncelyn, sorry but I'm not sure what you are talking about, but when you join this forum you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct as described : http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/465569/ShowPost.aspx 


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Interesting that you should raise the terms and conditions, RH, as not so long ago we were told (by none other than Jimmy Perfitt) that discussing other fora was agin' em, and here you are doing it in spades. Should you report yourself, I have to ask?

Also I note that your furry sidekick admits to logging on to another forum under different names - seriously banned here (in MOST cases, but not all, it depends on who you are, of course) but they find it acceptable there. And they are so obedient to your rules, too.

I know you don't do irony, but don't you find that from your exalted position berating people for observing here is rather rum from someone who frequently lurks on another forum when not engaging in the sort of argumentation which would lead to a ban here? Not to mention multiple log-ons etc.

Just a joke of course. Not to be taken seriously etc etc. Think of me as posting just like your pal S - so no harm done. Eh?

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If you have a complaint about about my behavior you should contact admin, however I have to tell you that I am not quite the humour free zone you imagine. My post was made in a light hearted manner, a shame that you couldn't respond in the same spirit. C'est la vie....



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"I could become your worst nightmare"

This is really getting out of hand! That sounds so very threatening and malicious, and you should be very ashamed of your behaviour! All this because some egotististical idiot got banned and another idiot screaming about having her password changed on a forum about France! Surely social services need to be brought in now? These people are in need of professional care.

Russethouse, They appear to be completely obsessed with you! They watch every move you make and post it on the other forum, you are being stalked! It's all a bit creepy, and I worry how far they will go with all of this.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

If you have a complaint about about my behavior you should contact admin, however I have to tell you that I am not quite the humour free zone you imagine. My post was made in a light hearted manner, a shame that you couldn't respond in the same spirit. C'est la vie....




Oh, trust me, I am replying very well in the spirit of your posts and your last PMs to me...

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I am someone that once had the greatest respect for you, but just look at you now! What have you become? It goes to show how the internet can destroy a person! Look at the Dick Smith of even one year ago, and look at the Dick Smith we have now! You have lost your dignity, your credibility and the respect you once had, and for what?
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