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Deimos, People usually post their own experiences, which may be different to yours, if you think that something that is 'written in stone' has been misrepresented by another forum member there is nothing to stop you correcting them, but its not productive to choose not to and then moan about it IMHO.

Tag, It wasn't intended as a put down. Are 'stays' suspenders or corsets ?[:)] Or both [:-))][:-))]

Trumpet, I hate round robins too, ever since a relative, a committed Christian, managed to write in such a way that it made it look as if  her family having been very good this year, they had been rewarded with a BMW [+o(] However over the years people have posted about the difficulties of putting children through French education and it is always nice to read a positive post.

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Dear RH, please do forgive my slow reply to your essential question above. After last nights antics in the BP (= Better Place) I needed time to recover my composure.

As regards the articles of female underwear you asked about, this following should answer your concerns (but a word of warning, most cannot be worn for swimming or you will rust like the Tin Man):


I prefer the following as it concerns old boats, though the purpose is fundamentally the same( from ,Wikipedia):

Stays are the heavy ropes, wires, or rods on sailing vessels that run from the masts to the hull, usually fore-and-aft along the centerline of the vessel. The stay that runs aft is called backstay and the stay that runs forward is called forestay or just stay.

Lines running from the mast to the side of the boat are usually called shrouds instead.

To miss stays is an unsuccessful attempt to tack.

Of course what is missing is the cord designed to keep the jacksie in place, but that is more a large piece of reinforced canvas.

I must say, it is a long time since I missed stays.

I remain at your disposition for further information and am as always hoping you will join the BP and enter the spirit of the thing tonite, (you won't have to do the initiation ceremony though some of the lads may josh you a little to start with), DONT BE SHY!

your most humble and obedient servant.

Woolybanana (you gotta try one)

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Deimos, People usually post their own experiences, which may be different to yours, if you think that something that is 'written in stone' has been misrepresented by another forum member there is nothing to stop you correcting them, but its not productive to choose not to and then moan about it IMHO.


When DEFRA write their procedures it has little to

do with my experiences. My experiences are irrelevant - what DEFRA

regulations are is what is important. I moan when there are already

loads of threads containing correct information and somebody decides

to start another and post misleading information. Why not just leave

the existing correct information. Also, if people don't know, then

why do they post wrong answers - wrong not being "differing from

my experiences" but wrong in terms of not matching regulations.

For example, when somebody says "A dog cannot

get a Pet Passport until it is 6 months old" that is not their

experience it is just wrong and gives incorrect information to other

people - nothing to do with my own or anybody elses' experience.

Maybe for Archant giving correct information is not important (i.e.

just write anything - does not matter about truth/accuracy)

Another good reason to moan is when you then post

correct information (i.e. what the regulations actually say), you

then have to post gawd knows how many further posts justifying,

arguing, etc. it - for example this post. I think that the

management of this forum has driven most knowledgeable posters away

so what information is left is "ropey" at best. As I said

in another area, posting information here is just too hard and no fun

(in fact its a real drag) - so goodbye. I was stupid to come back

and realise my error now. It was only because somebody on another

forum mentioned some going ons on DS I bothered to have a look. RH -

your pointed post has finally pointed out that I should not be here -

so many thanks.


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[quote user="Deimos"]I think that the management of this forum has driven most knowledgeable posters away so what information is left is "ropey" at best.
[/quote]Ahem.  There are still Sunday Driver, Martin Watkins, Gluestick, Chrispp and many others who post regularly with accurate and useful information. 

I am sorry that you chose to leave, Ian, as your info is informative and accurate and useful to others who don't have the knowledge you have.  A pity that others chose to poison the waters here and put off posters like you.

However, I really do believe that some better FAQs are needed here with up-to-date references and answers to the more common topics; they would be useful and save the "round the houses" stuff that you refer to - but that's the life of a forum I guess.  It happens elsewhere too, you know...[Www]

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I actually responded to Coop's post but is seems

to have disappeared (and I've had no notifications or anything. What

is going on ? Am I not allowed to respond or is FA threatening me

with being banned again ? How can I appreciate rules, etc. when

nobody (management wise) tells anybody (user wise) what is happening



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Well, I did see your reply, Ian, thanks.  I guess I just got a little irritated by the idea that all our posts are now "ropey at best"!  For the rest, I am not party to what's gone on between you and the mods so I can't comment - and the rules state that I shouldn't so as I've signed up to them (although I may not agree with all of them, I agreed to them) I won't.
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