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Hello Waaly

I'm definitely an innie, if we are talking Umbilicus, are we?  I was briefly an outie when I was pregnant but it came back in thankfully.

Who is 'he' if you are referring to me then you are mistaken, I am a she, always have been as far as I know, I have also never been an estate agent.  You are confused today Wooly aren't you, you must try and get to bed before 10pm tonight, try the horlicks again, that may help, you do get so dreadfully narky when you're tired.

Again if its me who comes across as a 70 year old I am flattered, to be able to have youth on my side and yet come across with maturity and reason is really something, (the converse is not so good, you should think carefully about that)

Sweet Dreams


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LOL, now come on guys that is really pushing it!  

No sorry you are probably right I was on the pull, of course, who wouldn't be taken by his wit, his charm...

Now both of you play nicely whilst I'm not logged in...



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Even if pm's could be read, no one in their right mind would post something they really didn't want to be read on a public forum site, same goes for unencrypted email, not so difficult to sniff.

This is not life or death, it's just a space where people can exchange views and banter, I really struggle with the whole conspiracy issues raised from time to time, I want to scream so what, some rubbish exchanged between people who don't know each other 'might have been' compromised.

The net is opaque and can be read anytime, anywhere if someone is driven to do it, so if something matters exchange it some other way and accept it.

I know you will now go off and say I was jumping to someones defence, I am not, I would not ,why would I need to, no one cares that much. 




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As a contributer I get the notifications, just like you. But FWIW since my lunchtime contribution I have been swimming  at the gym,(30 lengths) been food shopping, visited daughter who is unwell and done some business paperwork.

 I have just put a load of washing on, and  the dinner is nearly ready, its hardly being chained to the computer is it ?[Www]

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Let us deal with Panda first. My personal email was recently hacked by a professional and the mails printed, then passed to a third party, as were the mails from another site I am involved in so I am naturally a little wary of such public venues as this. Both sites were encrypted.

You seem to have a problem with my attempts to inject a little levity into aspects of this forum or to respond to what could well have been equally spoof posts. A mod saw fit to remove two of these for very little reason, but we will let that pass. A least one other, though not by me, was removed at 0100hrs that day, though it might have been of some interest.

I have used this site since the very early days with gaps (under different names), have seen I think three sets of software and at least one takeover. Since long before Possums ever existed. Without a sense of fun, this site will die. Without clarity too it will suffer. That being said it is essentially for information about France and ultimately for the goodwill which Archant need to sell their publications and services. I respect this.

Panda, you clearly have a brain so why not post in a broader spirit on the Possum site instead of jumping here in a most inappropriate manner and frankly not sounding too good. The two sites are not the same and never (Frith willing) will they be so.

If there remain issues which other members have, they are nothing to do with you or I. However, I am positive that at least one Mod took the trouble to monitor the Possums site to find out who was posting and then made reference to this in a pm to me.

RH, I do not doubt the job you have to do is difficult especially as you have Forum Admin above your head, but your response to my suspicion was a deliberate put down rather than a polite reply by pm. Why? The only time we have been in contact (I may be wrong here) was when I queried the language in a post by Chief and you did not reply to my note.

And I congratulate you, as someone whom Panda seems to despise as being a little older than her, on having such a busy life. If you were not sitting at Panda's elbow (that is not to be taken literally), so much the better and I apologize for my suspicions. However, you must not imagine that posters on multi-sites have the same persona or the same intentions in each. For LF, I have great in depth experience of France and the French language and people and have much to offer, but not in the monastic style that certain mods might wish.

Now, about those curlers? And the stays?

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[quote user="Panda "]

This is not life or death, it's just a space where people can exchange views and banter, I really struggle with the whole conspiracy issues raised from time to time, I want to scream so what, some rubbish exchanged between people who don't know each other 'might have been' compromised.


It may not be "life and death" but many

people ask real and important questions. Sometimes they act on the

advice given - which if it is wrong can cause them significant


Hypothetical question "I've moved full time

and live in France but I'm British. Do I need to pay tax";

hypothetical answer "just keep your head down and you should not

need to pay anything to the French
"; end result "French

bank accounts frozen, fines, prosecution, etc.".

Hypothetical question "I want to convert my

attic, do I need planning permission", etc. etc.

Some aspects

of the forum are important (or can be used in a significant manner)

and this is a responsibility posters need to remember.


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