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Has anyone had loose covers made for a sofa here in France? 

We are in the Mortain/St Hilaire/Avranches triangle and would be very glad of a recommendation or even the name of a shop or artisan that does this work.  We can find nothing in the Yellow Pages - although it is possible that we have not hit on the right heading yet!

Thanks in advance


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Fumes my dear, what fumes. It is called exhuberance and cant be obtained from bottles, bags, smoke or any other external means known to mankind. It comes from having a pure heart, a clean living lifestyle and the Faith of ages. Thus shall they be counted in the final days, the righteous who shall sit on the right hand, whilst the sinners shall burn in the eternal fires of damnation.

Perhaps you and yours would appreciate a few tracts to read say round the meal table. Let me have an address and I'll pop by with a little instruction. So many folk benefit from my words as I can see by their big happy smiles as I leave.

Bless you Clair for your simple soul waiting to be saved.

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This is no joking matter tag. I myself was in need of loose covers for a very ugly suite that we have and Eddie won't throw out. So I've bought some nice linen material from Bagi and already made one for one of the chairs. So if you want to place your order....
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Well Patf I may need to, given my budget and limited skills with a sewing machine. Have you noticed that some of the girls elsewhere on this site, including at least one mod, have just discovered tHeirs and are eagerly knitting loose covered booties for their great grand children whenever? I just have simple chairs.

I'll work on the measurements.

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OK, wrong thread and a blunt needle but further forward I hope. Still disappointed that mudulation did not come forward and earn a bit on the side. (noooooooooo). What I cant get quite right is how to measure accurately so may send them off to get that done as well. The pleasures of having ugly old furniture. Maybe I'll get throws instead and just attach them with elastic, then tell people they come from Mauretania. Anybody want to knit a throw?
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