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still no tax bill

confused of chalus

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We have done our tax form on line for the past four years - but this year we also agreed not to have a paper bill, but have it delivered on line.

Will we get an email when it is in out personal space, or do I have to keep looking. So far, 27th August and I can find a bill - where should I be looking, somewhere other than espace personel?

Or perhaps they havent all gone out yet, but payment is due soon.

Any information gratefully received.

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[quote user="nomoss"]I received an email telling me my avis is on line on the 21st - and it is[:D] [/quote]

Having not signed up for an online avis I have received no email; even so my avis is available online as I have already accessed it and know the gory details. On the other hand I have still not received my paper copy.


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[quote user="AnOther"]Whether it's available online earlier or not they are obliged to send you your avis by post and I don't see how they can expect you to pay before you receive that.

Got got mine last week.[/quote]


I'm not so sure about that. Since I "signed up" I receive regular emails from Direction-generale-des-finances-publiques, and the first paragraph always has something along these lines:-

Vous avez choisi de ne plus recevoir votre avis d'impôt sous format papier. Nous vous remercions pour votre confiance et pour votre choix qui accompagne la démarche de protection de l'environnement et de maîtrise des dépenses publiques poursuivie par l'administration fiscale.

Makes me feel good to know that I'm helping protect the environment[;-)]



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[quote user="nomoss"]Since I "signed up" I receive regular emails from Direction-generale-des-finances-publiques, and the first paragraph always has something along these lines:-

Vous avez choisi de ne plus recevoir votre avis d'impôt sous format papier. [/quote]

You can change that by logging into your personal tax account and re-opting for receiving your notification of tax due in paper form.

I have not opted out as this means that I can still receive the paper declaration forms, which I always fill in whilst comparing them, as far as possible, to the previous years. If you opt out then you receive nothing except for an advisory email. As our declaration is not simple I need all the help I can get from info I input in previous years, whilst looking at the current year's, always rehashed, form.


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Thank you sue.

The reason I posted the paragraph was to suggest that "they" are not obliged to send you your avis by post, as stated by AnOther, if you opt to receive it in a non substantial format - colloquially termed "electronically"

If you want to practice and compare your return on paper forms you can download the current versions of them - and still avoid the environmentally damaging use of La Poste for the cost of a couple of A4 sheets of paper and a tiddly bit of ink[:D]




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I do not recall seeing an option for no paper copy but that will probably have been me !

Personally I wouldn't choose that anyway as I like a hard copy for my records and that might as well be at the Impots expense as mine [:P]

I have to wonder though how the paperless option sits with the alleged requirement to keep them for life ?

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[quote user="AnOther"]I do not recall seeing an option for no paper copy but that will probably have been me !

Personally I wouldn't choose that anyway as I like a hard copy for my records and that might as well be at the Impots expense as mine [:P]

I have to wonder though how the paperless option sits with the alleged requirement to keep them for life ?


I believe the requirement/recommendation is to keep the proof of payment of taxes, not the advices/demands.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Perhaps you didn't see this thread:


Despite hearing this on the news I emailed my  tax office and had this reply:

Bonjour Madame / Monsieur


Votre avis n'est toujours pas disponible.Nous

avons bien reçu les informations pour cette taxation , mais la remontée

informatique n'a pas encore été faite.


Which confirms the 'bug' in their system..

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  • 3 weeks later...
Still not recieved our Avis sur les revenus. I sent an email to the Centre Non Residents ( this may not apply to all) but I understand they have same schedule for payments as local offices. They emailed back with three post dates:

Sept mailout  for payment by Oct15

Oct for payment by Nov15

Jan for payment by March 15

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[quote user="NormanH"]I still have no bill for the Impôsition sur les Revenus (either online or by post)

Strangely enough I have got a bill for my social charges (which I understood were going  to be incorporated into the Revenus this year) [8-)]


Snap, Norman, same here, no bill for impôts yet.... only the taxe foncière.... ouch!!![+o(]

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  • 2 weeks later...
Still no sign, nothing on line. I emailed in my case the centre non residents and was told two more deadlines for the next wave of Avis sur les revenus,. late October for November the15th and then late Jan for March..

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