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Paypal Account


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I have some very basic questions about a Paypal account but, even so, it would be a help if someone can tell me the answers [:)]

If someone pays money into your Paypal account, do you get an email from Paypal to tell you money has been paid in or do you have to check the account yourself and generally be on the "look out" for the money?

Do the person paying you need ONLY your email address (in order to pay you) and also need a PP account themselves?

Even if you think the answers should be known to anyone over the age of 10, please help this case of arrested development.  Many thanks.

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It's a long time since I used this service but I do remember getting an email with the title "you've got funds" from Paypal.

For your second question I think the answer is yes/yes - they only need your email address (the one associated with your paypal account) and yes, they will need a paypal account themselves.


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[quote user="tinabee"]

It's a long time since I used this service but I do remember getting an email with the title "you've got funds" from Paypal.

For your second question I think the answer is yes/yes - they only need your email address (the one associated with your paypal account) and yes, they will need a paypal account themselves.


[/quote]Last time I paid someone who had a paypal account I was able to use an ordinary credit card to pay them. PP accepts Credit and debit cards for payment into someones PP account so the payers don't need to have a paypal account.
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Rabbie is correct. I have a Paypal business account, and anyone (whether they have a PP account or not) can pay me via Paypal on my website. If you DO have a paypal account, you can opt to pay via credit card or have the funds debited from a nominated bank account. Your e-mail address has to be associated with your Paypal account to receive funds, and that's it.

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