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Our SPANC (fosse) inspection was done months ago. We had a bill and paid it.  We have now received an identical bill. Does anyone know if this charge 48 odd euros plus tva, is an annual charge or are they just getting the records in a muddle. 

Thanks a lot.


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We pay 42€ annually. In our case it's a 4-year rolling contract for inspection and emptying (if necessary). Is this what you have? We're now at year five and I haven't seen anyone come to inspect yet! Needless to say the fosse hasn't been emptied either, but it all appears to be working well so we leave it alone apart from feeding it with Tarax every few months.

I'm not sure if this is the answer to your question or whether I've jumped in (not into the fosse!) answering an entirely different question! [blink]

Edit. Oh and intially we did get 2 invoices but that was because my surname is also a forename in France so they got confused and sent an invoice in each name!


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Like so many things it varies from commune to commune. The authorities can levy a Redevance (Annual Levy) for each system not connected to the mains in their area. If they choose to impelment this it will cover the admin and an occasional reinspection.
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We have decided that we will go and ask the Mr Le Maire on Friday.  We really hope it is not an annual fee as FIL lives in the next village along (same local canton) - his is a very new fosse and complies totally with current norms so he was furious to be charged at all for the inspection!

Thanks anyway - seems that it is not the same everywhere


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