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Where is everyone?

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Hi Charallais,

I think we are few and far between in this area of France. Where we are on the borders of 71/39 there are a lot of Swiss who have holiday homes but not many of us Brits. I think the Swiss are prepared to pay the higher prices making property quite expensive here.

We have bought a large Bressane maison hoping to run art holidays but are becoming very frustarted by the extortionate prices quoted for converting a grenier and the time it's taking to get quotes.

However, the local people are very pleasant, the area is pretty and our daughter has settled in at college and is making lots of new friends.

You are not alone! Some of us just like to keep a low profile!


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Hi Catherine

Glad to see someone is out there. We are 21 Cote D'Or and we love it here.

We were tempted by property in your area but for the type of property we wanted it was very expensive compared to what we paid for our house albeit it is tiny, but beautifully formed!

Good luck with your project, have faith I am sure you will get there in the end.


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Not there - mores the pity !

We have a maison secondaire (fermette) on the border of 71 & 21, visits are currently restricted to school hols.

Quite a small village (pop 68), facilities consist of a phone box & Mairie open 2 afts a week.

One other English family have just bought a place at the other end of the village, and a Dutch couple in the middle

Next trip at the end of Oct to remove the roof tiles ready for the roofer to put a new one on with windows.

Timetable is a bit tight, we've been told the Permis will be granted on the 18 Oct, contractor in on the 2 Nov.

We're still mostly on waving terms with the locals, apart from the family whose dog bit my sons leg in the summer. Apparently the dog has bitten 4 other people in the village including the Mayors secretary. If they don't put the things down after that when do they ? We decided it was better to accept the apologies of the family and the replacement trousers rather than cause a rumpus as we are not there 90% of the time.(thinks, I might post a question on the pets forum)

I would like to know of any live music bars in the area, we got to a cajun night in a bar in Nolay this Summer, absolutely excellent night, still rocking when we left at 2am.

Best regards

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Have just discovered this forum. We are moving to house just outside La Clayette Dept 71 (just waiting for the notaire to do his thing) Hope to be moved by end of year. From all the other french forums I have visited it seems we have chosen an area with very few Brits or maybe they are all very quiet in this area.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Living in the outskirts of Strasbourg (67) with my husband and daughter.  Been here for 2 and a half years with 18 months to go before we move back to Germany. 

I left England 3 years ago with my 14 year old daughter, spent 6 months in Germany before coming to France.

Moved here because my German husband was posted to Strasbourg with the Euro Corps.

So don't really fit into any of the categories of people you find on here...don't have a holiday home, don't own a property in France and my daughter goes to school in Germany as we are only 10 minutes from the German boarder.  That all said, I am still an expat enjoying her time in france  

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Unfortunately still here in the UK without a maison secondaire.

I am busy renovating the interior of this bungalow of mine and discovering more horrors as I go.
Bit in the meantime, the work goes on and HOPEFULLY, by this time next year I shall be well ensconced in la belle France - fingers crossed

During the renovation period I will, of course, be taking some time out in order to visit parts of France to ascertain where I might like to live.  I have been to Basse Normandie and done the tourist thing - Bayeux, Arromanches etc.
During my travels I ventured into St-Severs-Calvados and thought "Yes!!!" A lovely little town, beautiful countryside and yes, I paid a visit to the Notaire's office and came away with some details.

Where would I rather be than France? Nowhere. As soon as I can leave the UK the better - AND that is said without wearing rose tinted specs.

To those of you who have already made the move and are enjoying it I say, CONGRATULATIONS.
Hopefully I will not be far behind you in making the same move.

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