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We have not moved to France yet but own a ruin (4yrs)! French authorities have sent us a request for a TV licence. We have no TV or anything yet as the house is unlivable. Surely we do not have to pay for a licence for something we do not have?


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This would be better posted in the satellite and TV section, however, you say

"The French authorities have sent us a request for a TV licence"

You sure?  Since last year French TV licenses have been paid as part of the taxe d'habitation, it is on the back of the tax demand.  If you have had your house for 4 years you should have had an opt out last year if you had no TV, so I cannot see why you have been sent a separate form now, unless you are being asked to confirm that you do not have a TV.  Perhaps your ruin had a TV registered to it before?

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