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Any Brits in the Vosges area?

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Just found this forum recently and it has proved a great source of information.

Having bought a house in the Vosges area in September I have not met a single other Brit expat, are there any around?

If anyone needs local info let me know if I can help.


Bob W.

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Hi Bob

Welcome to the forum.

There was a Frapr map for members to post their locations, but I don't remember many people from that region putting their 'pin' on it..

The map isn't available at the moment. TempsPerdu/Steve is looking into where abouts in cyber space it has got to. (Thanks Steve) [:)]

I suspect that there will a fair few Btitish ex-pats/immigrants there, but they don't seem to have found their way to this forum.

It was a while before we realised there were quite a few English people near us. How we found them - on paper, at any rate - was by spending a merry hour or two searching through the phone book, which (helpfully, in this instance) lists people under their 'commune'.



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Hi Pierre,

This will be my first winter so I cannot say first hand, however I have checked into this with neighbours as my main sport is cross country skiing.

The weather is 8-10 degrees at the moment, so no snow for a while.

 La Bresse, Lac Blanc and Gerardmer/Xonrupt Longemer have the best alpine skiing facilities, but get very busy around school holidays I am told.

http://www.skieur.info/vosges/ this link should give you all the info you need and the snow status.



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  • 5 months later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am still there Ian, 8kms south of St Die - good to hear some others are around.



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  • 2 weeks later...
We are in the early stages of buying a property in the Gerardmer/La Bresse area, so we (me, husband, 3 young children and dog) will be arriving shortly (with any luck!).  Currently on a 'finding out' frenzy, will let you know when we finally arrive. 

I sometimes think we must be completely mad....


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