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Property maintenance and gardening firm(s) in Burgundy

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If anyone on here has had problems dealing with an English-run business(es) based in the Morvan in Burgundy (it's the same people, under different two-part names), please PM me.

They offer gardening, property maintenance and property-finding services.
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Cat, whilst I personally have no problem with the embargo on public naming and shaming, it might be wise to discourage people from using any part on the CF system for this as that might still make the company liable for libel, so to speak.  People should only do this outside the CF system. But better check with up top management first.
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I fully understand why naming and shaming is not allowed, however as a business based in the Morvan offering gardening, property maintenance and property find service it is equally difficult for me when these companies are not named. I have built up a very good reputation over the past 2 years and pride myself on the service I provide. There are also other business's offering the same type of service all with good reputations. Unfortunately we are all now tarnished by this one company.



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Coops, who exactly are the innocent in these cases? By the time Mr Scrumdger and his rip off friends come to the notice of either the law or a site like this they have done a hell of a lot of damage. Perhaps they need to prove their innocence. Skimmity riding or toberac (Basques) is the term.
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It would be good if some of the 'good' firms were able to laud themselves a little, then I think they would not be tarred with the same brush. Sort of blow their own trumpets by giving references to satisfied customers and the like. Or if satisfied customers could say so a bit more often.
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I couldn't agree more. The best form of advertising is by word of mouth and recommendation. I know I am not supposed to advertise on this Forum or at least it is not looked upon favorably but in this instance I am going to try. I own and run Burgundy Property Management. My business is based on trust. I take no money up front other than materials for which the clients get the invoice from the supplier.I only charge my clients when they are happy with my work. I am not one of the big boys so my expense is really my time. So as you can imagine any bad press in my line of work could be hard on the buisness. If you visit the Burgundy Pulse forum there are many posts refering to the company in question which is very enlightening. I just hope that this post remains active for a little while.



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I don't know that anybody has been castigated for making recommendations of firms they have been satisfied with, have they?  I thought the embargo was only about recommending or advertising your own company.  Many's the time I've passed on the names of accountants/builders etc and these have never been moderated out AFAIK.
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It's unsolicited advertising that is not allowed.  Or advertising your own products or services.  But if someone asks for a recommendation, and you, as an third party unconnected with the business, are able to supply one, then that's not a problem.


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My apologies to Recap, but your business name has three parts, not two. I am sure there will be no confusion, and am happy to confirm it is not the one in question in my original post.

I did not name the business in question (which trades under multiple names) because of possible legal implications for the owners of this forum.

The business in question are developing quite a reputation for themselves, and thanks to open forums such as this being responsibly used, the unwary will more easily be able to avoid them.
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The sad fact is that it has taken a long time for this 'company' to be exposed. So many were taken in by convincing words and clever networking, including me. Gradually, through one to one conversations, people have realised what they are. I stood to lose a relatively small amount of money, but I got so angry with the lies that I took a chance in pursuing it. Once I had done that, we had moved beyond speculation and gossip and I have been able to make public what happened. I do not know how they sleep at night.
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Thanks AndyC for putting that straight. I was also taken in by the reteric. When I moved to France it was with the promise of work, help setting up a business, advertising and support. Apart from the work none of the rest materialised, the work soon dried up and I paid money to them for privilege. I left their control after a short time to set up my own business.They continue to trade in our region and most of the old hands know of them. My advise to new dwellers in every case is to have good referencing before employing a company or business to carry out any work.



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It seems Andy that the pressure brought on this company has caused them to go into liquidation. The power of the internet has allowed people to make their complaints and this would seem too much for this company to continue trading. It has been obvious that there has been a high number of very unsatisfied customers with court cases pending. The threads on scam.com have been very revealing and is a warning to all. Check out who you are dealing with and get good references.



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