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anyone near st dizier-leyrenne?

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hello all,
hoping to move in the summer/early sept with children aged 11 and 9 plus an assortment of animals. Is there anybody out there?? we are very excited about the move and not a little apprehensive! We would love to hear from anyone in the area re schools, any home edders in the area, info on local area, and a long shot I know, but are there any bee-keepers not just locally but anywhere in the Limousin - have skep will travel!

Many thanks for reading this.
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I have French friends who live in the Limousin (almost on the Correze border) They have a small farm and keep bees. They were going on a course one weekend to learn about beekeeping and how to cook with honey.
I am not sure where you are but I could enquire about the course although it might take a bit of time to get a reply.

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We have a campsite/B&B just south of Boureganeuf and we know quite a few British who stayed with us and now live in the area. Contact me via my mailbox (Can't advertise)and drop in for a cup of tea (or something stronger) when you are over here. We have been here 4 years now and still love it.
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Bees - Limousin honey is beautiful. there is/was a beekeeper at Masberaud-Merignat (I think he is signed), one was at the market in Bourganeuf just before Easter (held every Wednesday), the beekeeper who lives along the route touristique from Bourganeuf to Gueret - sign a chubby little bee - and situated about half-way along, not far from La Chapelle-Tailfert, may well still be around. He also gives talks to school-children, and has been seen in the thursday market at Gueret (La Place Bonnyaud). There is however, some disease among bees at present and honey seems scarce...
Anyone out there - hundreds it seems! Breakfast ready, will return.
Best wishes
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To continue - the beekeeper on the Gueret road is called Le Rucher creusois.
Brits have been in the Creuse now for years and tend mainly to ignore each other and integrate, usually. We have had cottage here for 12 years now and there are some who have been here longer. Many though come for a short while then return to England. Our little cottage is a co-owned property - the other owners being French, which we find great as the garden is kept in good order, although we have to pay our share, and there are others to let us know if anything is amiss.
Best wishes
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  • 1 month later...
thank-you all you lovely people who replied to my last post.
I am sorry for the delay in replying, we have been back and forth to France, sold our house and hope finally to be in France by the end of July. After reading your posts I am reassured that I will meet bee people in Creuse, however I don't suppose any of you would happen to know what sort of hives beekeepers out there use?
I am not sure if this is the correct way to reply to posts, should I reply to each one individually or collectively? No doubt someone will enlighten me!
We wiil let you know how the move goes and hopefully we will even get to meet one or two of you when we finally get there!!!!
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