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Hi All

Have any of you had your habitation bills for this year yet ??? I've had fonciers but no habitation. My aunt living 1km up the road *secondaire maison* but in same commune has had her habitation but I haven't. Mind you I haven't heard of any one else having theirs yet either. I'm sure last year it had to be paid by 15th dec. Knowing my luck i've tempted fate now and it'll arrive in the post tomorrow.


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I was getting twitchy on this matter as well so I sent an email last night to ask whether it had already been sent out to either my holiday hovel in Bellac (87) or my UK address and had been lost in the post.

I received a response to the effect that the bills will be sent out over the next few days and that payment will be due 15 December.

so you were probably right and you'll receive it over the next few days.

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Don't worry - you will be sent it, even if it arrives chez vous in England about the 14th Dec.  When I bought my little place 12 years ago both tax notifications were sent out in September.  Now the taxe d'habitation always seems to arrive late - December being quite normal (this in the Creuse)

Best wishes

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Yes !!  We have had ours in and I am sitting down, need to check on why it has increased so much.  I would also like to pose a question;  I have just been reading a book as a guide to living in France and it mentions in relation to " Nil tax bill " that if you are over sixty-five you are let off the tax d'habitation on our house and TV licence fee.  Can anyone confirm this please

Regards Favets

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We received both bills here in the UK a while back....we have a second home in Magnac Laval (87). We were over last week and paid them both to the Tresorie. Foncieres had increased by 3.5% and Habitation by 3%. Our Habitation bill staes that we must pay it by 15th November, whereas last year it didn't arrive until January.



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[quote]Yes !! We have had ours in and I am sitting down, need to check on why it has increased so much. I would also like to pose a question; I have just been reading a book as a guide to living in France...[/quote]

looking at the bumf on rear of both foncieres and habitation bills, my reading is that for your principal residence for purpose of taxe d' habitation:

box "Qui est exonere?"  if you are over 60 the bill can be subject to means testing

box "Qui est totalement degreve?"  if you are in receipt of RMI you are exempt

and  box "abattements pour les habitations principales" if someone in the property is over 70 means tested reductions/exemptions apply

for purpose of taxe fonciere

box "exonerations et degrevements de taxes foncieres" section 6 there is means testing for over 75's

same box section 7 persons 65-75 means tested reductions

it'll probably take me until I'm 60 to learn enough French to fully understand the meaning of these sections

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I'm becoming more worried, we bought our maison secondaire (in the Indre area 16)in January 2004. We've not had either tax bill yet. I'm not really sure who I should contact about them.  The estate agent we used told us that they would come automatically - but to which address??  Any suggestions???
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Yes it will be sent out. Who so ever is in the property on the 1st of Jan is liable for these bills. Therefore you will not be receiving a bill until next year. And as no one works on the 1st I know that you will have signed after then.

Sometimes it is in the actes that you will pay for the part of the year you owned the property, so the previous owner could be contacting you to get this money, usually calculated upon the number of days you have owned the property. It has nothing to do with the state at this point as it was the previous owners liability.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello All

Can anyone help with our h'abitation problem? We bought our house in July 2003, which is used as our 'maison secondaire' until we move there permanently, hopefully by the end of this year. We received our Foncieres bill for 2004 in October & paid by return. We assumed that the H'abitation would follow, but it hasn't. Since October I have been to the Mairie, who said it would be sent in due course. I telephoned & faxed the Tresor Public, & then sent a letter to the Mairie. I had no replies from anyone, until the 29/01/05. I have translated as best I can, They say there was an error! & that this will be rectified by an additional estimated amount of tax for the dwelling, but the letter does not mean that we have to pay by return, & have 30 days to put forward our observations. I have been given conflicting info, in respect of a maison secondaire in that it receives a discount, & the other, is that it is rated higher. This is our only home in France. I have replied to the official letter & await there reply. Thanks for your time.   Lynda





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Received our Fonciere in October and paid it, have still heard nothing about habitation.

They have our UK address and our neighbour who sold us the house always posts on any wayward bills.

No doubt it will come sometime.


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