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Smashin' stuff up

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Our property had an ancient wooden garage attached to the side of the house.... it "fell down" .

Attached to our barn is a very small tumbling down animal pen which I want to demolish, for safety as much as anything.  Both of these buildings are on the cadastre plan. 

I've been told I don't need to ask permission to demolish... but I find that very hard to believe.  I thought I'd at least have to TELL somebody I was doing it.

Does anybody have any thoughts or experience on this.

Thanks very much

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We have a large hanger attatched to part of our barn with a tiled roof which was built, it seems to us ,backwards that is to say that the angle of this constuction means that rainwater from the roof and hanger run down to meet at the join.  This has caused the stone wall to begin to blow so it was very important to us to get rid of it as it was serving no purpose.  Our Architect said we would need a permis de demolir as it is shown on the cadastral so we filed one only to have it returned as not required.  What a waste of time!!

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