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I have read many postings on this issue but am still confused.  Can anyone help with my situation ( I dont expect 100% accuracy but a rough guide would be fantastic)

Currently I an in receipt of IVB and Disability pension although I am only 45 ( born with heart probs) I recently had to have emergency surgery and am under the care of a hospital in London.  What kind of cover could I/ Sholud I get in France.  My worry is that i wouldnt be entittled to treatment in France if I lived there permanately or if i was it would bankrupt me.  I KNOW THERE ARE INSURANCE POLICIES BUT WOULD THEY COVER AN EXISTING CONDITION.

Basically am I mad considering a move

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Basically you need to contact the Overseas Benefits and Pensions Department at Newcastle and tell them your situation and what benefits you are on and they will advise you as to what cover they will give you in France.

EG I am 45 and came here 3 years ago whilst in receipt of Long Term Incapacity Benefit, which is now paid here and I received an E121 for health cover which had to be registered with the local CPAM and then I received a Carte Vitale and Social Security Number. So far I have never paid a penny for health care, or dentist, although I have just had new glasses and I believe most of this cost is down to me, there is a small reimbursement.

My husband was covered on my E121 also but he had to pay 35% of his health costs until he had a heart attack and now anything to do with his heart problem is free of charge, hospital visits, the operation, tablets etc. He still has to pay 35% of dentist etc.

We also took out a mutuelle - top up policy - after my husbands heart attack - no medical questions and immediate cover, so what is not met by E121 or the CPAM is met in most part by the top up.

Hope this helps.


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That is great info, when you have bad health its always a worry however I must say the good old NHS has always treated me well.  I also am 45 and have had two lots of heart surgery now (born with probs) and am under review for another op.  My mother is very concerned that should I go to France I wont receive the care or it will bankrupt me.  I receive LTIVB so by what you have said it shouldnt be to bad.  Thanks thats been comforting  

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