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Constructing a new entrance to property

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We have a holiday home in Orne.  currently the entrance gate is directly opposite the front door and it is a shallow front grass garden so we have to double shuffle to to get off the lane to get round onto the grass behind the front hedge and i am also concerned we end up parking our mini bus on top of the fosse.

As our plot is very wide and there is much more land to the side of the property it would make more sense to have access at this corner so we can drive straight onto the side of the house and miss the fosse as well.

My question is do we need any permission for removing a section of our hedge to put a gate way in?  We do not curently plan to put hardstanding down as we will leave it to grass.  If we do what permission do we need.

Our property is on a narrow single track serving the tiny hamlet.  Please note it will be spotted what we do as the Marie secretary lives on the same lane, so I do not want to get anything wrong.  My french is not good enough to ask the questions at the marie and understand the answer(which is porbaly more to the point).

thanks Ann

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If the Marie secretary is on the same lane then why not ask her? She will have better local knowledge than any of us on this forum. Even with your French, the excuse that people on the forum, who you understand, said you could do it will not wash with the Marie.

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It would be as well to ask at the mairie even if your French is not great then you could draw a diagram and a picture of the car coming into the entrance.....with a  little bit of imagination I am sure you would be able to make yourself understood. You never know, perhaps the secretary even speaks some English!

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Here's what the code d'urbanism has to say:

Constructions or installations exempted from permission or from preliminary declaration because of their nature or of their low importance


Conditions for dispensation

When they are situated outside a conservation area, field of visibility of an ancient memorial, architectural, urban and landscaped heritage protection zone, registered or classified site, sector bounded by a land use plan or partially by a municipality where the council has decided to subject enclosures to declaration. (R421-12)


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