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Elec quote

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If you're anywhere near Argentat, then Yves Farges is honest and competent. I'm afraid I can't tell you the current prices as we had our work done 16 years ago.

A lot depends upon the length of cable run required from the central curcuit breaker unit, how many sockets you need, and whether you want the guy to make good afterwards. How's your french?

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We are just having our house re-wired in 87 and the quote, although very detailed, seemed curiously inconsistent between rooms but I think a lot of it must be to do with distance of running cables etc., and other technical stuff that I as a woman cant possibly appreciate

Our house although not big is quirky and spread across a wide distance and EDF also have to come out and do a fair amount of work in moving meters etc. (all this is in addition to the electrician's costs).  When we first received the quote I thought it was very expensive (works out over £5500 inc a new hot water tank) but it had taken us 18 months to get a quote after being let down by some and others not contacting and we were delighted to receive one at all.  It was suggested that we should blank out the prices down the side and get more quotes from other electricians to compare but we couldnt face it and impatience got the better of us.

I have to say that now he has started the work I can begin to see the reason why it is so expensive as there is loads more work than you think to begin with and just chiselling out stone walls is hard work.  Anyway our electrician although not speaking a word of English couldnt have been more obliging and helpful and at the end of the day that is worth its weight in euros...... (I think but he hasnt finished yet). I am just excited that I am actually getting some work done as it is the most frustrating exercise ever trying to get local artisans out.

Havent got the devi with me so Im afraid I cant give you the price of individual switches, sockets etc., but Im not sure it is broken down into that precise detail in any case.

Caz (87)

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