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Tax Return 2024K, Declaring Interest (Box 2TS)


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Just filling out my pink and blue tax returns. I notice that the wording has changed alongside the 2TS box on the blue form where I normally put my interest payment. Before is said "Revenus de valeurs mobilieres et distributions" but this year it says "Produits des contrats d'assurance-vie d'une duree inferieure a 8 ans et distributions". Should I still use box 2TS for interest or should it be noted elsewhere?

This is just straight interest from a UK bank, not much I might add!!! Also apologies for not using accents on the french wording...


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I did mine on line a couple of days ago, and the system automatically transferred my UK bank interest figure from the pink form to box 2TS on the blue one.

I wondered about it when I read the text, but thought heigh ho, who am I to argue with the well-oiled tax machine[:D]

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I too noticed the wording has changed and then the doubts started to creep in. Have I been putting the figure in the wrong box all this time (Tax Office told me it went in Box 2TS several years ago) ... should I go and ask again or just enter it as usual. My figure is so small not going to make much difference so to hell with it, Box 2TS it is.
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[quote user="nomoss"]

I did mine on line a couple of days ago, and the system automatically transferred my UK bank interest figure from the pink form to box 2TS on the blue one.

I wondered about it when I read the text, but thought heigh ho, who am I to argue with the well-oiled tax machine[:D]



       The reason they are both put under 2TS is that under 8 years

there is no abattement for LA withdrawals , so for income tax they are

the same as bank interest.     For french bank interest and LA, which

are subject to CSG at source ,  there is an additional box  at 2BH  to

to prevent CSG from being taken twice .  As UK bank interest has not yet

been subject to CSG, it is entered only at 2TS.

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