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St Germain -belles

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Hi everybody, bit scary this rain thing, anybody down my way, my house hasn't even got a roof on it, and there is a great big lake at the bottom of the garden, now i know why, ah well i always wanted to do fishing.Taking on alot i think, but then if you don't do it now when will you do it .

The whole of my land is wet, have actually seen it in the sun and looks beautiful.Just hope there is enough sun in the summer to dry it out.

Look forward to meeting anybody when we finally get down there, still waiting to sign the compi at the mo.PS If anybody wants welding done, i am your man  ha ha

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Yes the same thing is happening to us, waiting for the notaire, we are going down there on the 23 of this month for a holdiday and was hoping to sign at same time, The property has 12 acres and a 6000m2 lake full of fish we have been told. Have a massive job clearing the land, all over grown. Itis at Enchanter De Martel, at least the mayor fishes in the lake so hope toget some planning through for the privilage of using our lake. Keep hearing about the rain, but never mind, will make dosee what happens . Hope we can get together when we both get our pads and swop idea's hope you like fishing.

Got electric, there, they found a water meter on site, so just got to put a septic tank in , the roof is the main problem, but hope to have it fixed within a year . send any pics you may have of your pad to bruceking20@tiscali.co.uk see what you have coughed up for . regards Bruce

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Daughter's fiance is well keen fisherman so i'm sure he'll be keen to visit!! We're also booked week of 23 but may have to delay if notaire not ready. We have to put a fosse in and a bathroom, roof not too big a problem we hope but not seen it since the beginning of December and with all this rain... havent got any decent pics yet but watch this space... Will you be moving out permanently? Ours will be a holiday home for next year or two until we can sort out youngest daughter who's just finishing A levels . The husband works for a French tuck firm so spends most of his time over there- language coming along famously even if he does sound like Officer crabtree from Allo Allo... Regards, linda
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Same trouble here, just about to sign and a right of way issue has emerged, right balls up, Etadte agent is now looking a right plonker, might loose the house, really bad job by this guy

Hope nobody suffers the same outcome . keep you posted   Bruce

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Thats really bad news, sorry to hear about your problems. Does the farmer use the track regularly or could you come to some agreement about re-routing it? We had a right of way going straight through our back garden here, but managed to get it changed so that they took a metre off the back of the garden and made a new path there. Don't expect the french farmer would be so reasonable!! Better you found out now though- are you still going ahead?
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Hi ya, not all that hopefull. the notaire knew about it , so it must be written in stone somewhere, althought the guy that owned the house before died fifiteen years ago, he must of written something down, i only hope the decendants go see the farmer and tell him they can.t sell the place because of him. See what happens , but really angry with estate agent,3.5k fotr nothing. good mind to sue him for incompetence

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Going on the 23rd April, be at house on 25th to see estate agent, and go over contract, he said right of way not a bit issue, beg to differ, will be interested to see what he comes up with, says to him, quick fix not an option. Going to measure the house for the architect, just in case all goes through

  Watch this space

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No. it should only take a couple of days, if you are going through a estate agent he should get back to you fairly soon . Unusual , notaire isn't suppose to get involed in that i thought. Sounds very slow, Ours didn't even want us to go to france and sign, sent contract here and just sign and send back, thats strange as well. If we hadn't translated it, we would never of come up with prob, Badel Fish bye the way. Its free,and fairly good translation.

Have you got phone number of this bloke. Ring him or get somebody to do it for you

Be there this monday see prop and estate agent have a good old row ha ha

PS Have noticed ours have gone on easter holiday so we a have a delay now as well.

    Regards Bruce

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Thank you cptain.  So long as you and Linda dont mind a gooseberry.  No please accept my apologies I was just being silly (as usual).  I dont know what comes over me sometimes.  I am not living near St Germain but when I purchased my house I was quite unprepared for the notaires costs.  In fact, I wish I had made enquiries on this website about them beforehand.  Now would you like ice with that G&T?  Linda whats yours?
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Only drink red aussie wine ha ha , daft innit going to live in france and only drink aussie wine, wonder if they have any in the supermarkets

Just had estate agent on the phone, going tuesday to me at home, dying to know how he is going to talkhis way out of this one. Man speaks with fork tongue so to speak

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