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Curtain making

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Can't really answer you.   Just some observations.  

 You can buy not bad at all curtains here for a reasonable price.

A lot of French houses I have been in don't use curtains as we know them, just net type things, and then shut the shutters at night / in winter.

I am going to make an assumption here, whether it is true or not, I can't guarantee !  My feeling is that in rural France, if the household contains at least one woman of a certain age (easily identified by the fact that she will be wearing a pinny for most of the day ?!), then she probably can, and does make her own curtains if required.  Certainly in our local town (not huge town) there are two shops at least which sell a large variety of sewing 'things', which leads me to believe the art of home sewing is not dead in this community.

Just some observations, not saying your idea is not feasible, may well be ...or may not.

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