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Chateauroux Airport

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Hi Everyone ,

                    I went to a meeting last week in La Chatrev where one of the topics was the opening up of Cahteauroux airport for flights back and fore the UK, it seems this has been talked about before with no success , but recently it was said that " it is being seriously considered", I dont know about you all out there but for me in La Chatre ( dept 36 ) it would be terrific not having to go all the way to Limoge which for me is an hour and a half each way.

Has anyone heard similar talk ???????????



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I heard a good while ago that Ryanair were in negotiation with Chateauroux Airport; and, I believe I saw something on Ryanair's site about this.  However, this information has since disappeared.

It would be fantastic if it were to happen as it would make such a difference when it comes to picking up family and friends from either Limoges or Tours airports.

Let's keep our fingers crossed!


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Try living near Bourges and look for a flight to the UK. Two hours at least to CDG with nightmare traffic, nightmare terminals, expensive parking, expensive coffee and what must be the worst McDonalds in the world..... I know, bad taste in food so don't nag me on it :-)

Other options for us are both three hours drive away - Limoges or Tours. Arghhh.


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I think this is very much wishful thinking as Ryanair have increased the number of flights to Tours recently, and is starting a service to Dublin.  You can see why, around Tours is just much more of a tourist destination than Chateauroux.  Also, there is now a Poitiers to Birmingham flight, which starts any day now, as well as the Poitiers to Stansted, so it looks like they have made their choice of regional airports for the time being.

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