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Swimming Pool

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Is there anyone in the not too distant from St Yrieix La Perche region who has a swimming pool and uses or has used a pool technician.

We have a problem with our sand filter and I am having real trouble finding someone to come and have a look at it for me.

Any recommendations would be gratefully received.

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Is it definately sand or more a fine dust? If the latter, then short term cure is to add some floc to the water so it collects it all up in bigger bits then do a long long backwash with rinses in between a day or so later It could be that the sand has tracks through it if it hasnt been backwashed for long enough /often enough. Either that or the sand needs changing or there could (unlikely) be a damaged  vein in the filter?


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Definitely sand and we back-washed it a few days ago.

I telephoned swimming pool company and they said it was definitely a broken vein in the filter which they would come out and change for xxx euros (use your imagination but it wasn't cheap!).

Only problem I had with that is someone diagnosing the fault unseen and then telling me how it was going to cost. Added to which I cannot imagine that you can replace something damaged in the filter without also replacing the sand, so I suppose that would have been an added bonus !

Its worrying me (the pool always worries me); it's not that I object to paying someone to do what I can't do myself, I don't but I would hate to pay xxx euros if it wasn't required, as we don't have that kind of money to throw around for nothing.
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[quote user="londoneye"]Definitely sand and we back-washed it a few days ago. I telephoned swimming pool company and they said it was definitely a broken vein in the filter which they would come out and change for xxx euros (use your imagination but it wasn't cheap!). Only problem I had with that is someone diagnosing the fault unseen and then telling me how it was going to cost. Added to which I cannot imagine that you can replace something damaged in the filter without also replacing the sand, so I suppose that would have been an added bonus ! Its worrying me (the pool always worries me); it's not that I object to paying someone to do what I can't do myself, I don't but I would hate to pay xxx euros if it wasn't required, as we don't have that kind of money to throw around for nothing.[/quote]

It really depends on how much xxx is as it could be anywhere from 100 to 999. 100 would be bloody cheap whereas 999 would be a bit steep.

What size is the filter? and what make?

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  • 2 years later...

Not bumping the thread after three years (!)

Still looking for someone in area, not for the same reason - this time we have stains appearing at bottom of liner.    Anyone new sprung up in the area that is a actually a pool technician?


Oh dear, and sorry, three years too late ......... reference previous problem, had sand changed, had new spoke thingies put in ..... same problem.   Eventually (doh!) I thought to check the aspirator head, only to find that it was filled with sand (probably to keep it on the bottom of pool) and was leaking sand ... new aspirator head (25 euros) problem resolved ..... that does not take into account the couple of hundred we needlessly paid to have sand changed and new spoke thingies put in the filter .... never mind, live and learn.   So anyone with same problem, suggest having a good look at your pool cleaner head first !

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On the basis that I have travelled down to your region from mine to fix some problems that the locals couldn't, I would say nothing has changed in 3 years except your sand.

What is the source of the stain? There is little point in removing the stain only to have it come back again. Could you post a picture or email me?

I will be back down your way in a couple of weeks if that is any help.
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It is not one stain, it is about 5 splotches around the bottom of the liner.    Without having an underwater camera (needless to say we don't have one of these) then I do not think it would be captured in a photograph - I will try later, but doubt it would help.


The problem, of course, is that I have no idea what is causing it, thus not knowing how to go forward with resolving the problem.


Yes, we would be interested to utilise your services if you are around in next couple of weeks - could you pm me when you might be around etc?


I will try for a photograph - busy with the binoculars owl watching right now - although fairer to say that the slightly scary owl is more busy tracking my every movement than vice versa.



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I suspect this is just going to look like a blue blob - but let's try !




ummm, the shadow is me taking the picture of course !

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I had the same problem regarding the triangle shaped head full of sand!

Try a weighted half leon on the stain, face down for half and hour, or a sock of PH- powder resing on it for 15 mins, see if that does any good

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thanks Steve - yes, should have realised earlier than I did what was causing the sand problem - too late to worry now (3 years later!) - taught me to check the obvious first though before investing in replacement things like sand changes and thingie changes (cannot recall for life of me what they were called).


Ref the stains, the pH of pool is very very low anyway (too low - it's always low) so probably adding more pH minus may not be the way to go.


So far have tried Javel over spot(s) - well OH did this, not quite sure how he thought he would get javel to bottom of pool and didn't really ask(!)   Also tried vitamin C tablets (ditto) easy to place in position on steps or something but not so easy at bottom of 1.2m of water.


Hopefully it will be nothing too serious.   We run a gite business (although due to external circumstances, as in I had an accident recently and am still in recovery) we have not yet been able to open this year, so not too drastic to get a resolution, at this time.   Needs to be sorted by end of first week of July though, which is when we are accepting bookings (hopefully I will be fully mobile again at that point).


thanks for responding



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Right, if PH is way too low, it needs to go back up - 7.2 to 7.6. Most of mine are between 7.2 and 7.4.

TA what is your TA, if its too low (needs to be 80 - 120) Too low and it could lead to stains. (generally in wide area's not splodges!) Calcium hardness - what is the calcium hardness reading? needs to be 200-400. Too much and calcium build up can start, killing pipe work and pumps.

Most of all, get the PH up other wise guests will start complaining of burning eyes and rotten swim wear!

Shame you are not a bit closer

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