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No TAX Foncier for past 8 years, 15 acres


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Hi Everyone,

I bough a Barn about 8 years ago and have been converting it. It's got about 15 acres with it and I've not had a Foncier bill ever. I've just finished it so am sending in my H1 form so ill be charged for Habitation. I'm a bit worried something is wrong and one day ill get a huge bill for the past 8 YEARS!!! It's my second home, I live in England. Thank you to anyone who may be able to shed some light on if this is normal. Regards condi
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Omg! Thank's for that. I was thinking we would get it at the same time as the Hab tax and we havnt had that yet as the place is only just finished. Ill see the Tressor people and get back to say whats happened. thank you.
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It might be the Impots people you need to see. The Tresor people send the bills out for their commune and collect payments and will no doubt be able to look at your account to see if there is anything outstanding, but if it comes to begging and pleading and negotiating the Tresor will probably not be able to help. They cannot usually amend the bills, that is normally the Impots;

Edit - sorry honeysuckledreams, didnt't see your post before I wrote mine
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Taxes Foncières are normally due on any property, whether or not it is inhabited or in use. It's a tax on land you own.

I don't see any harm in asking at the Trésor Public to see if there are any outstanding bills - and where they were sent. They are just the people who collect the bills, and have no real interest in how they are generated.

You will then have some information on what there may be to discuss with the local tax man[:)] Like you couldn't pay bills you were never sent.

I have found them to be very normal and reasonable people.



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If bills have been going to the wrong address in the UK (have you moved house since you signed your acte de vente?) they will probably expect you to pay the tax, but they are usually quite co-operative about cancelling off the fines that have been added for late payment.
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Thanks Everyone, Got to go past the Tressor pub soon and they helped last time with the h1 form, they filled it in for us and were really helpful.

Still have the same address in England as when I bought the place and have not had any post there from France for about 5 years. I get everything sent to the barn in France now and just pick it up when were there.

I spoke to a English friend today who has lived here for years he said he thinks that as the Barn was agricultural and too the land with it the previous french owner would have d-registered the land so as not to pay any tax on it. He has 20 or so acres and pays nothing in Fonc. tax on it as he d-registered it.

He pays 75 euros a year for the small garden around the house. Im wondering if because the 20 acres are very hilly and rocky they are considered of no great value, our land is also like this. We have a couple of old uranium test mines on it but nothing else. Thanks everyone. ill get back as soon as I have something. If you dont hear from me for a while I may be languishing in a cell somewhere for unpaid bills. Ill get a message out somehow though. Thanks everyone.

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  • 1 year later...

Last week had a letter from the bank saying the tax people had put a stop on any withdrawals until i paid the outstanding Fonc tax bill and 2 fines. I went to the tax people to explain i had been sent no bill and it turns out they sent it to my old address. I had been to there office twice before to make sure they put down my new address, 1st time they put it on the computer and i went back a month later to check. surprise surprise it had reverted to my old address. I told them again and they put it right...... Well somehow it reverted again. I explained all this wen i went to the Tressor and they removed the 2 fines. Then I still had to pay the 85 euros charge by the bank for putting the stop on. 2 days later my account was up and running again.......... I never got charged for the 9 or so years the property was being converted and now pay 460 euros a year Fonc. Thanks everyone.

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