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Selling our house

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We are wanting to sell our beautiful 6 year old bungalow in Lesterps, near Confolons, our tenants are moving out, does anyone know how long houses are taking to sell at the moment and also is there any web sites that may do house swop? I would consider swopping our house in France for one in England
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Is this an April Fool thread?

So many factors on how quickly a house will sell:

Price - is it over priced, under priced, about right

Desirability - what positives does it have

Undesirability - what things detract from the property (this and the one above will be subject to the viewers)

Purchasers - are there purchasers looking for your type of property

So many variables so to my mind a property will sell when it sells. For a quick sale a very low price. For a slow sale (if at all) a very high price
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[quote user="lilly"]We are wanting to sell our beautiful 6 year old bungalow in Lesterps, near Confolons, our tenants are moving out, does anyone know how long houses are taking to sell at the moment and also is there any web sites that may do house swop? I would consider swopping our house in France for one in England[/quote]As in general property is cheaper in france than in England you may find that you either have to give the English person some cash as well or accept a smaller property in England if you go down the Swapping route
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Why would it be an April fool thread, I am asking for people's opinions and advice ...

I know people may have problems selling their house in the UK and might be wanting to buy in our area...so it seemed a good idea to do a swop as it's a win win situation and cuts out the agency fees!

It's a 6 year old bungalow, it's in a beautiful village, I honestly can't think of any negative and if we didn't have to sell we wouldn't consider it, but life changes and needs must!

I have done some research and it looks like the properties in France are not selling very quickly at the moment...just wondered if it was just as well to try selling privately ior through an agency ...if people are looking to buy, where would they look? Thanks .
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[quote user="lilly"]I know people may have problems selling their house in the UK and might be wanting to buy in our area...so it seemed a good idea to do a swop as it's a win win situation and cuts out the agency fees!

It's a [x] year old [type of house], it's in a [location], [/quote]

This forum is not for free adverts: we are allowed to put a link in our signature to a site but not to advertise in the main posting. Your initial post looked more like an advert dressed up as a request for info than a straightforward request for info.

IMHO, there seem to be three markets at present in France:

Paris - entirely disconnected with the rest of the world

Property in major cities

Property in country areas

In Paris, I don't think that there has been a real recession in house prices, though the rate of increase may have reduced somewhat recently.

In major cities, there have been reductions in prices but there is still a basic demand (though much reduced from previous years - people seem not to be moving unless they HAVE to and then they are being very choosy). We are in a major city and are still trying to sell: I suspect that if we dropped the price we could sell it faster, but we don't HAVE to sell and we will still make use of the property until such time as it sells.

In country areas, particularly where there are no jobs, there have been significant price reductions and anecdotally quite a lot of property seems to be hanging around. Obviously, there are exceptions where the location is desirable despite the lack of local employment opportunities or where the property appeals to those who don't need work. I believe that the market of retirees from other parts of Europe has reduced significantly in the last couple of years.

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Recently, I chatted to a couple who had been quoted 9% by the agents to sell which is nothing less than exhorbitant. And the price they mentioned was nothing less than scandalous.

Agents will set prices very low to sell and so d the vendors.

So, do sell it yourself, do go via Leboncoin.

As the Brits are playing silly beggers with property prices again in UK, it would be very difficult to get a deal, I suspect, as values would be very difficult to establish.
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Just to give you a flavour. Speaking to a few UK estate agents this week, in the SE in general, house prices are rising so fast that many sales are going to sealed bids, and even outside the metrolops, in some areas they've risen by about 10% on last year. Another agent told me of a house selling initially for £30K over the asking price and then someone coming back offering £50K above the asking price.

Don't shoot the messenger, I find it all verging on the obscene....but it reiterates Woolly's comment above, and unless you can find someone in one of the small handful of places in the UK where properties are a) still cheap and b) not going up in price by the second, then I would just forget trying to do a swap with anyone in the UK unless you're prepared to hand over one of your immediate family as part of the deal.

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