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Brits in France weblinks

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I thought it may be a good idea to link the many websites of Brits in France into one webring.

A webring is an automated link manager, grouping together websites with common interests.

I've put together a webring called Brits in France with the intention of providing a one stop source of links to the websites of Brits based in France. In time I hope this will develop into a catalogue of professional, artisan, artist, information, homepage, diary, property and holiday links.

Membership of the ring is free.

The ring requires the addition of some html script to your website which will create the webring logo. The script will add this logo to your site. Here is an example of how it looks : http://tlp.netfirms.com/clivefrancis.htm

Joining instructions are at : http://s.webring.com/wrman?ring=britsinfrance;addsite



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