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Online French dictionaries

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I assume Ron will not need any [;)], but as long as it helps one person...

This is  list of some French dictionaries as read in Le Figaro tech pages:

good for definitions, synonyms and conjugating, as well as basic French-English translation

good for spelling from "words that sound like...", full number-writing and conjugating

synonyms and definitions

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]Clair

Merci pour penser à moi, très utiles pour moi aussi.[;)][/quote]

Ron, for you as it seems you may need more than one [:)], the first lesson is free:

Merci de penser à moi...

Merci pour avoir pensé à moi...

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I like a laugh and a joke every now and again. I've even

been known to post the odd one liner here although most people on this

forum are sharper and wittier than I am.

Many relative newcomers to life in France are indebted to the knowledge

that people like Clair and Ron Avery (sorry Anna and Suze but I haven't

followed your postings so closely) are able to pass on.

If you want to start your own amusing/silly thread, as you have done on

another topic, then so be it but please don't hijack (and kill off)

threads that others might be interested in.


Same S*i* Different Day, to mark your

second day on the forum although I suspect you and your friend

TWINKLE*  have both been around the maypole before.


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Now... how did I know it would be a nasty comment.  If it makes you feel good about yourself Ben thats fine but you should try to have a L&J a bit more often than N&A.


TTFN xxx

BTW the dictionaries are very useful.  Dont think I will ever get above moronic level (with my french speaking that is)!!

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[quote user="Stocky"]

[quote user="Benjamin"]





I have just looked in my old copy of the International Code Flag system from when I was at sea.

KKK means 'attention everybody'


SSDD means 'I should get a life'


Now Now Stocky.  Everybody is entitled to post the odd one liner[:D]

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  • 1 month later...
Glad you like it.

I shouldn't say this - but I have been running the free download for ages and it seems never to run out - possibly it reloads every time I synchronise.

I also have the 'big' version on my desktop and laptop. It has proved to be very useful.

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