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For those wanting one way van hire in France

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Sitting outside the cafe  I saw a van pass with this web site on it ....


Don't know if it's any good, but considering the number who want one-way hire it might be useful to know .... only vans and only France as far as I can see from a quick look ....

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Could be useful but a tad  pricey. I did a dummy booking from Toulouse to

Paris with 600km and it came in at €304 or €332, depending on van size.

Also a relatively sparse list of pickup/dropoff locations so you'd have to factor in travelling for that.

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Last time I searched in 2004 I could find no companies offering one way rental. Some of the majors now seem to offer a limited service. For instance Eurocar will allow you to hire a Renault Kangoo, but nothing larger, from Bordeaux and drop of in Calais. However if you persist on the internet in both French and English some do come up:




I have not checked any out and do not take this as a recommendation.

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Is there really a demand for one-way van hire? [blink] I mean, more than just the odd person asking? (For "odd" I don't mean "peculiar", just "isolated" instances! [;-)])

I can't imagine how I would use it? You've got to get to the pick-up point or drop-off point somehow, and then, when you've finished, your personal transport is at the other end! A bike perhaps and stick it in the van? [:D] Not much use for bringing stuff back from UK if you can only go as far as the docks. I can only think of bringing materials/furniture/whatever from another town, say, but you'd still have to get a lift there in the first place.

So, enlighten me, please. [blink]

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If you self move from say Bordeaux to London you save one day's hire and about 900 kilometres in fuel and mileage. Return the van to Lille or If you are very lucky Calais. Drop car off at their depot on the way North.

Depends on how much you have but if we ever move to Uk we will probably downsize and so 3.5 van will do us.
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