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Cultural differences (again)


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I'm a huge fan of the Alex strip cartoon.  Alex is an obnoxious, cynical, overpaid banker currently "lumbered" with what he describes as a "Eurotrash" multi-lingual, MBA graduate trainee, Christian.  Read on:

Alex:  The best way to break a graduate trainee's spirit is to make him work long hours so that's what I'm doing with Christian...

Clive (their boss):  But, Alex, French bankers like him are all utterly single-minded in pursuit of their careers.  Since school they've done internships, multiple degrees, learnt umpteen languages, do you really think the fact that Christian is having to put in a few late nights completing this deal is going to cause him any undue distress?

Alex (still in office, late in the evening):  So, time to send out for a takeway, Christian.  What shall we have tonight, Chinese, Pizzas?

Christian (banging his fist on desk):  No-o-o!  Not again!!! Please, can't we have some proper cuisine for once...?


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