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Civil service pensions payslips and P60


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Hi everyone

I think members in receipt of Civil Service Pensions might be able to help me with this.

I'm trying to remortgage from the Woolwich to HSBC uk, with whom I've banked for about 40 years and into which account my Civil Service pensions, IIDB and DLA are paid. HSBC insist for the mortgage application that I verify my Civil Service Pension, IIDB and DLA asap, saying that they need my P60 and an up-to-date payslip for the Civ Serv pensions,and an up-to-date letter from DWP for the benefits. I've requested the latter, no prob though have to wait a while - they told me they will send them in about 10 days.

I've been onto the Civil Service website, which has changed completely with no prior warning,new pension service providers. Pensioners used to be able to access and print off their payslips (no paper copies are sent except when there's a change) but, unless I'm being really dull, that function seems to have disappeared. I emailed them last week and asked where I can now access printable payslips, no reply yet, and from a previous post I gather they are in disarray and some people haven't even received their pension this month. I thought my P60 and an explanation might suffice, but I've failed to find a P60 for April this year Does anyone know if there is some way of getting hold of up to date payslips? Looking at the new website the latest annual pensions letter is 2013, so maybe we haven't been sent the P60 yet. I'd be very grateful if anyone can confirm if they have had/haven't had a P60 for April 2014, to save me looking again thorough loads of papers I haven't been able to file having had a horrendous year and very poor health. I know I could phone the pensions providers, but thought I would get more sense on here first.

I have to go about 80 kms away to the nearest HSBC bank tomorrow by various public transports and a taxi to verify original documents as HSBC will accept only that verification or that of a lawyer, but not a notaire. They are also insisting that I have my passport verified by HSBC again as they won't accept previous HSBC or notaire officially stamped verification from a few years ago for the same passport nor that of 2yrs ago of my uk solicitor whose family have known me most of my life. As said, I've banked with them for 40 years. I shan't be able to get to the HSBC branch again in the near future, so need to take all I can with me tomorrow. I'm not sending originals as they have lost important papers before.

Thanks and kind regards

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Since the change over from Capita to the MyCSP administration (would have been nice if they had informed us!) you can no longer logon to their site and download documents. It's a complete mess and cock-up as usual. My pension payment for September was late and the October one has not arrived on time (not arrived at all to date!). They say they are trying to sort it out but I'm not holding my breath.

If you previously received a monthly payslip they say that has been withdrawn and in future you will only receive one if your pension varies by more than £1.

It would be of interest hearing from anyone else having problems with MyCSP.

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Mmm. My CSP would normally arrive on 12th but where the 12th falls on a weekend it is paid on the Friday. So it should have arrived yesterday but hasn't. If it's not in Monday I suppose I shall be joining the queue of callers trying to find out why not.
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Be prepared for a wait on the phone and don't expect a lot of help once you get through. I have written a scathing email to them (again) and copied it to the Cabinet Office. If you have a look at their website you can quote from their own "customer promise"


As far as I can understand, from the semi-literate person I spoke to on the phone, our pensions are being paid by a new bank and they are paying them on the due date and make no allowance for the time taken to arrive at the bank. I presume everyone who has it paid outside of the UK will suffer delays until they sort themselves out.

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4 emails to mycsp ..no reply, not even acknowledged

6 phone calls only to get cut of each time.

I then copied in the Cabinet Office, same as Spyder. They made calls on my behalf. Cabinet Office said I will get an email from mycsp within 24hrs. That was Tuesday and still no reply.

The phone number on the website to ring from abroad, is no longer in service. They give you a 0300 number to ring, which when you do get through, you listen to music, messages and options and before speaking to someone you get cut off.
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Thanks for your posts.

I'm so sorry to hear about your pension payment problems and hope they are resolved very soon. Of course, were we uk resident we'd be able to contact our MP for help. You might want to try calling the Parliamentary Ombudsman's office. They might have general info on who you can contact to try to get some sense.

Too often for me in France seems we are stateless as we are French resident but so much of our lives is still controlled by the uk, yet we have no recourse to higher authority if uk things go wrong, as they so often do.

Best of luck


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I have had "words" with MyCSP regarding late payment. It was as suspected the bank are paying pensions on the due date and not allowing for time to reach banks in other countries. Hence my pension was paid on 9/10 when it should have been paid by them 2 or 3 days before the due date. It is still not in my bank today (13th) but then it is Monday and they are closed!

The bank that is making payment is called "Worldlink" and it seems they are paying UK old age pensions as well. If you receive yours into a foreign bank I would check to see if it arrives on time.

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[quote user="Stewart"]

The phone number on the website to ring from abroad, is no longer in service. .[/quote]

Another number for you +44 1 903 760 366 should get you through to a manager called Ryan who at least tried to sort things out. Give em hell!

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Hi all

Probably very little help but possibly a glimmer of hope that there is someone alive and kicking at the new Civ Serv Pension place.

I have received an email response to my enquiry(which was entirely general, ie, where can "one" access paylips on line), asking me for all my personal details. Have replied. Watch this space...


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Thankyou Spyder, I will make a note of that number. I received an email late yesterday with a letter attatched. This letter instructed me to ring a mobile phone number if I run into further difficulties contacting them. Once I contact them on this number they will then get someone to ring me back.

No reply to my query with them though.

Im going to email them back and say i am not ringing a mobile number in the UK from France and an email answering any one of the four emails I sent will suffice.

If no result from that then Ryan will get an ear bashing

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The bank that is making payment is called "Worldlink" and it seems they

are paying UK old age pensions as well. If you receive yours into a

foreign bank I would check to see if it arrives on time.

This is certainly the bank that is paying my OAP. To date it has been on time but it is due tomorrow so I will see.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Norman, did you receive your pension on time? It seems they still have major difficulties making payments on time. I am also in touch with MyCSP (Civil Service Pensions) as Citybank (Worldlink) can't seem to get their act together. I would be interested to hear from anyone else having difficulties.

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Not quite sure what you mean AnO but Civil Service pensions are supposed to be paid on a specific date each month, not every 4 weeks like state pensions and indeed have been in the past. MyCSP took over the admin and changed the bank that pays the pensions. CSPensions which are paid in France (& I assume other countries) have been arriving late and in some cases not at all since the change over.

The excuse from MyCSP is that the bank pays the pension on the due date and it takes up to 5 days to be paid into an account here. This has never been the case before and my pension has always arrived in my bank on the specified date until last month.

People who receive state pensions paid into French bank accounts had a similar system but since Citibank (Worldpay) took over payment there have been complaints of delays.

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Just for your information.

My Civil Service Pension arrived in our French account yesterday and was also in the bank on the 2nd october (due date is 2nd of the month) and my wifes state pension has always arrived in the bank on the due date and shows up on the statement even on a Sunday. Our bank is CA.
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[quote user="AnOther"]4 weekly or on a specific day of the month a due date is a due date, I don't know how else you can say it ?

When working my salary was paid on the last Friday of the month so that was it's due date.


I wholeheartedly agree with you, problem is trying to convince the people who pay my pension that it should be in the bank on the 9th of each month just as it has been every month for years since I retired.

elamessa you are lucky to have retained your date. Have a look HERE to see the problems others have been having.

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