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Swimming Cats


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QUESTION?  Two Cats, one named One Two Three and the other un deux trois argued who was the best swimmer and decided to settle the issue by racing across the local river.

Who won and why,  answers by 5pm GMT,  or I will reveil  this mind crunching problem..

MikeSmile [:)]

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[quote user="Owens88"]



Cats don't swim  , by choice anyway.


This is sad, but I seem to recall seeing something on TV (some years back) of some cats who seemed to enjoyed swimming. I can't remember the full details, but I do have an image of two very content cats in a tank of warm water.


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[quote user="JohnM"][quote user="Owens88"]



Cats don't swim  , by choice anyway.


This is sad, but I seem to recall seeing something on TV (some years

back) of some cats who seemed to enjoyed swimming. I can't

remember the full details, but I do have an image of two very content

cats in a tank of warm water.



Turkish Van cats (apparently they came from the Lake Van area

originally) like - allegedly even love - water.


A friend of mine had two and they spent much of their time in the kitchen sink, waiting for the tap to drip on them. Cats, eh? [*-)]

My Maine Coons are fascinated by water and will hang over the side of a

bucket of water dabbling their paws. Given the opportunity (which we

try not to give[+o(]) they'll hang over the loo too, watching it flush... it is quite bizarre.

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