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What kind of Humanist are You?


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I'm a Haymaker, apparently.


You are one of life’s enjoyers, determined to get the most you can out of your brief spell on Earth. Probably what first attracted you to atheism was the prospect of liberation from the Ten Commandments, few of which are compatible with a life of pleasure. You play hard and work quite hard, have a strong sense of loyalty and a relaxed but consistent approach to your philosophy.

You can’t see the point of abstract principles and probably wouldn’t lay down your life for a concept though you might for a friend. Something of a champagne humanist, you admire George Bernard Shaw for his cheerful agnosticism and pursuit of sensual rewards and your Hollywood hero is Marlon Brando, who was beautiful, irascible and aimed for goodness in his own tortured way.

Sometimes you might be tempted to allow your own pleasures to take precedence over your ethics. But everyone is striving for that elusive balance between the good and the happy life. You’d probably open another bottle and say there’s no contest.


All true, except the bit about Marlon Brando, and the fish-nets!

Go on, go on, it only takes 2 minutes.

I've managed to turn myself into a 'Hair Shirter' after playing around for a another two minutes. That was funny too.

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[quote user="Dicksmith"]I thought you saud handRAIL Miki. I was worried about that.


You can hand saud it Dick, or you can  use a power saw [:D] How ugly is that moosh with the grin, where are the old smileys?

[8-|] This chap looks like my old French teacher at school, Mr Spoerry !!


[:P]  And these two are positively afer midnight stuff !

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You do the quiz, then you post the results here.

One of my sisters is a 'handholder' one is something else, I can't remember, but it was more like 'head ripper-offer'.

One was saying, 'oh, I don't want to tell you - I got told to 'lighten up'.    'EEEEEK how evil a person is my sister who was told by an anonymous humerous quiz result to 'lighten up' (actually, she could do with....oh never mind.).


P.S Sis number 1 said 'How can you not be a Hand Holder'... another said, "oh come on, you must be a head ripper-offer".  Massive sibling row with accusations of falsely filling out comical light hearted no-meaning quiz ensued.

I am probably all these things. It's just for a laugh.                           

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I tried to post the flipping result thingy but couldn't cut and paste the text and picture of the jolly handholder !


Tresco has feeved all the pretty icons, leaving us wiv the hauurrible

wuns bet she nabbed all the gnomes that have gone missing from Normandy

as well
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[quote user="Miki"]I tried to post the flipping result thingy but couldn't cut and paste the text and picture of the jolly handholder !

Tresco has feeved all the pretty icons, leaving us wiv the hauurrible wuns bet she nabbed all the gnomes that have gone missing from Normandy as well [/quote]

Okey Dokey,  I'll try and get it for you. I mean, at the moment it's only me we are able to laugh at.

Well, Mr Tresco is laughing, and now several dozen siblings, not to mention the children......

I think tomorrow morning sometime, unless another 'hand holder' appears...

The cutesey icons - the ones that don't look as though they have been drawn by Saligo Bays' new dog  - are stored in the Corsica forum  (Smilies for Corsica).

I just  open that message in another window, and copy/paste but if someone has a better idea please tell us  all.    

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Is this Miki?


You go out of your way to build bridges with people of different views and beliefs and have quite a few religious friends. You believe in the essential goodness of people , which means you’re always looking for common ground even if that entails compromises. You would defend Salman Rushdie’s right to criticise Islam but you’re sorry he attacked it so viciously, just as you feel uncomfortable with some of the more outspoken and unkind views of religion in the pages of this magazine.

You prefer the inclusive approach of writers like Zadie Smith or the radical Christian values of Edward Said. Don’t fall into the same trap as super–naïve Lib Dem MP Jenny Tonge who declared it was okay for clerics like Yusuf al–Qaradawi to justify their monstrous prejudices as a legitimate interpretation of the Koran: a perfect example of how the will to understand can mean the sacrifice of fundamental principles. Sometimes, you just have to hold out for what you know is right even if it hurts someone’s feelings.


Nowt wrong with that, but the resemblance to Margaret Thatcher is a bit alarming.

The first time I tried to guess what answers a 'Hand-Holder' would give, it came out as 'Hay-Maker'.


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Thanks Tresco,

I've just been helped back to my feet by another handholder ('er

indoors, although sometimes she is more a kind of throat holder !).

The blinking milksnatcher, I couldn't think of anyone less a handholder, than that scurvy old bat !

I am off to Corsica to see some old muckers..........

Tresco, how do you bring them back from Corsica and put them on a post

? (Apart from the ferry ) I can right click and copy them but then

cannot paste them on the page and simply dragging and dropping the

little sods, only leaves empty boxes on the post.........Ooooh my 'ead

'urts now after all that techni looking chat !

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I don't know why it doesn't work for you Miki.

It's cut and paste isn't it? Cut and paste is about the highest level of techno profficiency I have achieved, so I know how you feel.                     

I just highlight them, click control and C then put cursur where I want them, and click control and V


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Oh dear Tresco !
I didn't mind being a Handholder, I even thought the picture looked a bit like me. Now you've said it looks like Thatch I may have to go and open a vein.
A disconsolate

Don't be sad Hoddy; if you think about it the hay-maker looks a bit like her too, or even worse, a bit like Janet Street Porter

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No , can't do it that way, wonder if it's a Firefox issue. Admin told

me that way and it didn't work then either ! I can see them in my text

but when posted, it comes up as empty boxes.


Just boxes for me to look at, anyone see the smileys ?

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[quote user="Tresco"]

The cutesey icons - the ones that don't look as though they have been drawn by Saligo Bays' new dog  [/quote]

It's not the dog's fault that he can't draw cute smilies, Tresco.  I always say "blame the owner".  People pick dogs up off the street and then won't even pay for piano lessons for them.  And then they're surprised when the dog just wants to pass hours fetching a piece of stick or licking underwear.

Oh dear, have I wandered into the wrong thread here?  [:$]  Do excuse me, I'll just sneak off quietly and read up on my duties as chief haymaker....... most unfair, I wanted to be a handholder like Miki.  Hrumph.

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".......I'll just sneak off

quietly and read up on my duties as chief haymaker....... most unfair,

I wanted to be a handholder like Miki.  Hrumph."

Sorry SB,

One must be kind, honest, gentle, loveable and above all desired, yeh

yeh I know, "so how come Miki got it Miss and SB never did". ....All I can say is, Forums work in mysterious ways.

I will swap my handholders badge for 4 haymakers (including a Chiefy

badge) or No Deal................speaking of which, did anyone listen

to Noel speaking on the Jonathan Ross morning radio show today?  I

tell people about the programe every Sat morning and they all say they

don't like Mr Woss, surely though he doesn't do the show just pour

little ole moi does he? (and Andy of course !)

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Surely you mean, what did Mr Woss allow him  to say !!

They just spoke about how No Deal came in to being and how he is

actually Wossy's boss on one of the Awards shows that he fronts and threatened to fire

him if he asked below the belt Q's. Red rag to a bull then !

I like the man, I really do. Half the time he isn't so funny but I like

the half when he is ! I am truly fascinated that No Deal pleasures you

more than Wossy though!

Noel is only 3'6" tall, wouldn't Ronnie Corbett suit you better [:D] OK, OK, size isn't everything....................[;)]

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Well it's a pretty wacky idea - you get 22 boxes each with an unknown amount in ranging from  1p to £250,000  all done at random and depending on chance you get offers from the banker.But isn't it funny how some peoples logic goes out of the window ? They have systems....peoples birthdays, the numbers of the drivers in the Grand Prix, phone numbers etc, but few seem able just to look at the actual odds as in the offer is £10,000 and there are 5 boxes with more than £10,000 left in play and only 1 blue (low amount) there is no end to how the human mind can fool itself........

As for the diminutive Mr Edmonds, not my type at all but he seems a pretty clever chap

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