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An End To American Influence?


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Thankyou for that rather insightful comment on my personality or otherwise. I used the example as a means of conveying how parochial many Americans are. I did say I worked with these people for many years (25 or so to be more exact) not all of them are parochial but some of them are extremely so having no idea where many of the places they are posted to either are geographicaly or politicaly or even socialy . I did not make a statement about the Americans as a nation more about some of the individuals I worked with and socialised with over the years. In general I found them to be generous, kind and polite. They involved themselves in local charities (and still do) the majority of them contribute to the local economy and integrate well with the local community. But a proportion of them are arrogant, loud and extremely nationalistic in their views and outlook.  I personally think that the USA despite some current difficulties is the best friend this country has had for many years. If my comments were seen as Americaphobic  they were not or ever meant to be. The amateur psychiatrist needs to understand what


says it all really means



ta    says it all


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I'm beginning to be sorry I started this thread. My original post was so obviously exaggerated that it couldn't have been taken as anything other than a light-hearted dig at what I still see as our American cousins.

It certainly wasn't intended as a peg to hang a sniping war on which was why it was posted in The Lighter Side in the first place. For anyone who is so minded I suppose it's as easy to laud the USA for its numerous achievements as it is to condemn it for e.g. its foreign policy or, for that matter, its national stereotypes. For me, those are subjects for a different thread and probably a different forum.

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Si quelqu'un doit quelque chose de gentil a quelqu'un, c'est bien l'Europe et ce a tous les canadiens et les americains qui ont donne leur sang , nos oncles et nos peres, tout ca pour que ces memes europeens , toujours et encore les pieds dans la meme bottine, qui ne cherche que la bete noire chez ces gens qui ont au moins assez de coeur pour se realiser un pays un vrai, un pays uni!

Elle est ou votre Europe? Elle ira jamais nulle part parce que tous ces habitants sont trop occupes a se denigrer les uns les autres! Et ce qui les fait suer c'est de ne pas etre capable de s'unir pour etre fort, plus fort!

Et ca ca doit faire sourire bien des americains et a tous les jours! Allez petits pays ,  soyez heureux dans vos petites maisons , que votre royaute soit de plus en plus enrichie par votre travail de tous les jours, ne vous battez pas pour une carte verte, nous comprenons ce que c'est de rire jaune parfois!!

A bon entendeur salut!


L'Amerique ne vous a jamais influencee sinon vous seriez bien plus avance.....

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As my French is not good I thought I'd pass Mimi's post through the BabelFish translator. This is what it came up with .

<< If somebody owes something of nice A somebody, it is well Europe and

this A all Canadian and the americains which have gives their blood,

our uncles and our fathers, any Ca so that these same European, always

and still the feet in the same boot, which seeks only the black bete

among these people who have at least enough heart to be carried out a

country a truth, a plain country!

It is or your Europe? It will never go nowhere because all these

inhabitants too are occupy has denigrer the ones the others! And what

makes them sweat is not to be able to be linked to be strong, more


And Ca Ca must make smile many americains and has tous.les.jours! Go

small countries, are happy in your small houses, that your royaute is

enriched more and more by your work by tous.les.jours, you do not beat

for a green chart, we include/understand what it is laugh force


To the wise hello! >>

Has anyone any experience of other software translators?

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Fulcrom asked: Has anyone any experience of other software translators?

In my experience, there are no good software translators for anything more than a word or two.  Word choices depend on many things, and computers just don't have the "skill" to figure out which one is correct.  Granted, some people don't have that either!

Just ask the cafe in Limoux which serves a salad with bits of "lawyer!"

PG (using her American influence!)

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Okay, the French in this thing was pretty nonsensical in places, so perhaps, it, too, was written with a translation programme that didn't quite "get it?"

Anyway, here's a basic translation:

If anyone owes anything to anyone, it's Europe, Because all the Canadians and Americans who shed their blood; our uncles and our fathers, did that for those same Europeans.  (This next bit really makes no sense at all, other than to imply that Europeans always find reasons to detest Canadians and Americans, who are the only ones who have had enough "soul" to creat a real country, a unified country).

Where is  your Europe?  It will go nowhere because all of its inhabitants are too busy denigrating everyone else. And, what makes them sweat is that they're not capable of uniting to become strong, stronger!

And that should make the Americans smile everyday.  Go on. little countries, be happy in your little houses, let your royalty become ever richer from your daily labors.  Don't fight to get a green cards, we understand that it's sometimes just a bitter laugh.

(The last line is rubbish and says nothing, other than a sort of "so-long!"

PG (who doesn't agree with a word of this claptrap, btw)

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Okay, the French in this thing was pretty nonsensical in places, so perhaps, it, too, was written with a translation programme that didn't quite "get it?"

Thats what I thought. It's why I asked if Mimi was French.

I must be getting a bit better, so something good has come of mimis post!

Thanks PG for taking the time to do that, It would have taken me ages.

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[quote user="Tresco"]

Thats what I thought. It's why I asked if Mimi was French.

I must be getting a bit better, so something good has come of mimis post!

Thanks PG for taking the time to do that, It would have taken me ages.


Yes, well, I suppose I should actually have been working on editing the manuscript that needs to be finished (a translation of The Daughter of Fantomas), but sometimes, playing is more fun, n'est çe pas?


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[quote user="Tresco"]

".....but sometimes, playing is more fun, n'est çe pas?"

So it would seem, and I don't mean you PG.


It crossed my mind too. [8-)]

Are you thinking what I think you're thinking Tresco?



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'Anyway, here's a basic translation:

If anyone owes anything to anyone, it's Europe, Because all the Canadians and Americans who shed their blood; our uncles and our fathers, did that for those same Europeans.  (This next bit really makes no sense at all, other than to imply that Europeans always find reasons to detest Canadians and Americans, who are the only ones who have had enough "soul" to creat a real country, a unified country).

Where is  your Europe?  It will go nowhere because all of its inhabitants are too busy denigrating everyone else. And, what makes them sweat is that they're not capable of uniting to become strong, stronger!

And that should make the Americans smile everyday.  Go on. little countries, be happy in your little houses, let your royalty become ever richer from your daily labors.  Don't fight to get a green cards, we understand that it's sometimes just a bitter laugh.

(The last line is rubbish and says nothing, other than a sort of "so-long!" '


Thank you for taking time out to do that PG !   :-)

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L'Amerique ne vous a jamais influencee sinon vous seriez bien plus avance.....

(The last line is rubbish and says nothing, other than a sort of "so-long!" '

Not sure - but is it not trying to say -

"America has never influenced you - if it had then you would be more advanced ".


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