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Just Katie

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Here's a recent photo of me and KKK. 

She was on holidays visiting me and i was helping her get ready for

market day after a night on the red water .

Spoilt for choice, oh and I see the ropes are out, Mmmmmmm lubbly jubbly !

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]Can anybody access that photo in tripod cos I cant.  Let me guess though, Twinks looking like madonna and me looking like her dog. [/quote]

Yeah that's what it's like in real life, but no - i posted this babe


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Phil Collins (dullish)

I didn't know he came from Dulwich. [:P]

He used to live a little way up the road from us in England (about the same distance that Dick Smith lives from us in France - now that is a really famous person.....)

Son's fiancée works for one of those B-list celebrity weekly mags in England, so we get to hear some of the gossip that's even they can't print - so I can't pass it on here. It would be pointless though because it's all Big Brother and X Factor contestants that nobody in France has ever heard of, well I haven't. I did find myself once in a clothes shop changing room next to Stephen Fry, which was a bit worrying. He behaved impeccably though.

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I'm sorry, but I still don't think anyone has topped Showaddywaddy!!  Did I mention I also met Hughie Green?  Maybe I shouldn't. 

Love the Homer Plant!!  

KKK how did your interview go??!!  I'm sure someone has asked somewhere else - but I can't find it & I was keeping my fingers crossed for you!! 


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[quote user="Will "]

Twinks* - looks like somebody has spent too long on that trampoline.

Judie has two cats, brother and sister, called Miki and Twinkle. Spooky or what? I'll have to take a picture of them I think.


Well if that ain't proof that us pair are meant to be together I don't know what is!

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]He doesnt like you Twinks, he PM'd me first thing this morning and told me to break it to you gently.  Sorry[/quote]

I'm still not big enough am I?  Oh well there only one thing for it - the Bridget Jones Diet[:-))]

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[quote user="Tresco"]

Oh Twinks, that's so funny. Well found picture!

Did that Krazy Kat mate of yours get the job, or did they appoint some 22 year old to boss her about, that's the question everyone's  asking; well, three of us, anyway.


Don't know, don't care, hope so! 

 She owes me a very important pm and I still haven't had it, so I'm not playing with her to-day.  She probably got it though - she always does[:)]

I know I'm good at the photos aren't I?[8-|]

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