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What is the difference?


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Ah please do not have a bad word to say about yesterdays gravy. It is wonderful reheated and poured over a buttered piece of nice bread. Especially if it is onion gravy.


Twinkle please remember to never tell anyone if you have to seive anything. That is one thing that we are all permitted to do and then serve whatever it is up, when it is then 'perfect'. No one and I mean no one ever needs to know that this has been done, ever. In cooking it is always the end result that counts and not how you got to it.


Beurk is a wonderful word, one of the first I learnt all those years ago. It is so descriptive. Even when one doesn't understand french on just knows what it means.



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So instead, what is the difference between a swede and a turnip?


In my bit of the north of England we call swede, turnip. They are yellow fleshed and the skin is half purple/half yellowy. I don't think that I have ever bought a 'real' turnip, which I suppose I would call a swede, wouldn't I?

We also call golden syrup, treacle, probably because that is what we use in treacle pudding and treacle sponge.

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We adore you Master Miki

Ooops!  Wrong thread!!

Some BBQ eh !

If the Daleks are so clever, where do they keep their dosh and

how are they able to hold a nice pint of Fullers ? See ! the clever

clogs scriptwriters always forget something eh!

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Dear All,

I have now read the "Reply to Recent Mods Post" in full and much has become clear.

I hope nobody was offended by my reference to pigs in the minestrone soup recipe, but I was expecting protests and had what I then thought was a funny reply ready.

Reading the thread has made me realise that I must be very careful in what I say, even as a joke, as I do not want to be banned from this site.  I find it a wonderful forum for help and assistance, and to swap a few jokes.

However, I was very relieved to see that le bouffon has been permanently banned.

Just to set the record straight, I planned to post a joke something along the following lines, but it does not seem so funny now.

The Martian,

When collecting your bits of pork, commonly known in France as lardons, you should not worry about the pig.  You take the pig by the throat and squeeze hard until the pig squeaks.  Then help yourself to what you need.

In this we only follow the example of our beloved, kind, compassionate and caring leaders who take the greatest delight in squeezing until the pips squeak, and then helping themselves to whatever they want.



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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

Turnips are white carrots.




No they are not.

Parsnips are `white carrots`

Turnips are small round and white on the inside , white skin with a blush of red.

Sweed are yellow on the inside,usualy around a killo in weight and have yellow/orange skin with hint of red to one end. ooooh what I wouldnt do for some mashed up with my potatoes!.

This is from a lancashire girl, now you will get a different oppinion from someone from yorkshire, like my mum, a sweed is a tunip and vice versa

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Yes sorry I got all my nips mixed up.  Yeah swede and mashed potato.  My father is from London and the first time he tasted it was when my mother made it.  We call it potch in Wales.

I find that Welsh cooking is very hearty similar to the North of England.  My family in London were rubbish cooks.  All bisto and nonsense.  Salad with just lettuce and tomotoes and yukki salad cream. I know things have changed now but the old generation in London were not a patch on my family here.

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[quote user="Opas"][quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

Turnips are white carrots.




No they are not.

Parsnips are `white carrots`

Turnips are small round and white on the inside , white skin with a blush of red.

Sweed are yellow on the inside,usualy around a killo in weight and have yellow/orange skin with hint of red to one end. ooooh what I wouldnt do for some mashed up with my potatoes!.

This is from a lancashire girl, now you will get a different oppinion from someone from yorkshire, like my mum, a sweed is a tunip and vice versa



Parsnips are horrid [+o(] but MOH loves the things[8-)]  as for swede mmmmm nice mashed, one of my freinds loves coming to our house for a roast cos' he gets mashed swede which he doesn't get at home cos' his wife hates it so she won't cook it [:D] Where I grew up in the NE swedes were called turnips as well [8-)]

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]SB, what was you doing up from bed and all alone on the forum at 4.37 this morning? um? um? Writing in a northern (not Shakespearian) form.  Please tell me.  Do you have an addiction you would like to share with us?[/quote]

I've already done Shakespeare (the quotation from "A Midsummer Night's Sausage", remember?). 

And it was 5.37 here, so of course I'd already been out for the 6km run and had a refreshing cold shower.  [Www]


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Ah.  Well, a moment of honesty has come over me.  When I said "I'd already been out for a 6km run", what I really meant was it had crossed my mind that it would be nice to be the sort of person who really does go out for a 6km run now and again.

But that's almost an intention, and it's the intention that counts, nesspa? 

Have you noticed that "The Lighter Side of France" gets shortened at the top of the screen to "The Lighter Sid"?   Sid is probably the kind who goes out for long runs, and should be an inspiration to us all.

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I think I've got a vegetable plot because I have got lots of books on the subject.  My garden is a mess I have wanted to start one for years but never got round to it but I still believe I have one.  I buy interior design books too and in my mind my house looks the same.  I picture what is going where and what colour it will be but my house is a mess to.  I think I do yoga every morning because I have the DVD.  I think I live in France too and that I invite you lot round to my house in the evenings for a good chin wag (about all things french of course)

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[quote user="SaligoBay"]

[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]SB, what was you doing up from bed and all alone on the forum at 4.37 this morning? um? um? Writing in a northern (not Shakespearian) form.  Please tell me.  Do you have an addiction you would like to share with us?[/quote]

I've already done Shakespeare (the quotation from "A Midsummer Night's Sausage", remember?). 

And it was 5.37 here, so of course I'd already been out for the 6km run and had a refreshing cold shower.  [Www]



A hard night at the Harem more likely the reason for a cold shower[:P]

Didn`t you leave your Belly dance class `cos it had a mind of its own, like mine has!

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