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Complete France Forum

Serious warning alert.

Dick Smith

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Apparently, potentially dangerous Dihydrogen Monoxide has been found in France. I quote:

Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is a colorless and odorless chemical compound,

also referred to by some as Dihydrogen Oxide, Hydrogen Hydroxide,

Hydronium Hydroxide, or simply Hydric acid.

Its basis is the unstable radical

Hydroxide, the components of which are found in a number of caustic, explosive

and poisonous compounds such as Sulfuric Acid, Nitroglycerine and Ethyl


For more detailed information, including precautions, disposal

procedures and storage requirements, refer to the

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Dihydrogen Monoxide.

Should I be concerned about Dihydrogen Monoxide?

Yes, you should be concerned about DHMO! Although the U.S. Government and

the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) do not classify

Dihydrogen Monoxide as a toxic or

carcinogenic substance (as it does with better known chemicals such as

hydrochloric acid and benzene), DHMO is a constituent of many known toxic

substances, diseases and disease-causing agents, environmental hazards

and can even be lethal to humans in quantities as small as a thimbleful.

For more details, please visit the website : http://www.dhmo.org/facts.html

This is important - there might be Dihydrogen Monoxide in your home now.

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Further to the warnings above,

Studies have been carried out using different mixtures of

DHMO and C2H5OH.

Subjects ingested the mixture and in almost all cases the

following results were seen:-


feelings of euphoria


of sensation in limbs


and unconsciousness.

 On return to consciousness a large number of subjects

experienced headaches of varying degrees of seriousness, the majority requiring

further medication over time.

 Further studies are planned to validate and quantify these



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[quote user="powerdesal"]Further to the warnings above,

Studies have been carried out using different mixtures of

DHMO and C2H5OH.

Subjects ingested the mixture and in almost all cases the

following results were seen:-


feelings of euphoria


of sensation in limbs


and unconsciousness.

 On return to consciousness a large number of subjects

experienced headaches of varying degrees of seriousness, the majority requiring

further medication over time.

 Further studies are planned to validate and quantify these




Too true. There have been cases where exposure to C2H5OH (hydroxyethane

or HOE) has led to unplanned marriage, amongst other things.

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What are the Government doing about it?  Will there be grèves?  Will there be trains next week if I want to go to Toulouse?   Should we be wearing any protective clothing?  What about chickens not yet affected by bird flu if they touch the stuff - even worse what about ducks?   Mr Smith you have a responsibility to say somthing other than eeeek or gorrocks, utter or otherwise.

Yours, seriously perturbed - having drunk tea before reading this post.

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Esther who?[/quote]


As you know Coke is acidic (try dropping a dirty coin  it) and although our stomachs contain acid some people may not want to add to that..

However you will all remember from school that an acid plus an alcohol will tend toward ester + water.

'Acid + Alcohol = Ester + Water'

So I have always found it safer to drink Coke that had Rum in it.

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[quote user="viva"]

I haven't drunk coke since someone on here

suggested using the stuff to clean the loo! Having tried it and seen

how well it gets rid of limescale, I'll be bu*gg*red if I'll drink it



You know what's even better? pH moins stuff you use in pools. A couple

of tablespoons down the the dunny first thing in the a.m. and bingo!

Clean as a whistle. And harmelss to septic tanks too, which, let's face

it, coke might not be.

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On reading this warning, I too have been worried over my unknowing intake of this toxic substance over the years. However, on further investigation, I have found that I have equalized the potency by combining it with nice single malt!!!!! If I am to go …….. it will be happy……Hic!!!



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[quote user="Owens88"]

[quote user="Dick Smith"]Esther who?[/quote]


However you will all remember from school that an acid plus an alcohol will tend toward ester + water.

'Acid + Water = Ester + Alcohol'



Chemistry has changed a lot since I was at school then!!! 

Acid + Alcohol = ester + water


Acid + water = ester + water + some more water - alcohol

(and anything minus alcohol sounds bad to me)



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[quote user="andyh4"]

Acid + Alcohol = ester + water


Absolutely correct. Thank you for pointing out my error. I must have been drinking too much water.

I have editted my original post  to correct the error.

By the way is h4 a notifiable substance ?


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