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Satnav Plonkers


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SFA to do with France, but a bit lighter than some of the other current 'impersonation / reptilian' stuff (no disrespect or offence to anyone intended) and a tenuous French link, to be explained.

Most of you will have seen / heard of the people in the UK who have been guided by their newly-acquired GPS systems (apparently now a £300M / yr business) towards all sorts of road hazards - in one case a 3' deep ford, before which there's a road sign which says "Unsuitable for Road Vehicles". Do you know what?  They try to drive through it, cos that's what their satnav says ........... !  Then the locals charge £25 to tow them out.

Now the French link: someone, perhaps KKK or her pal Twinkle once asked about employment / earning opportunities over here. More than a few road hazards out here, eh folks? 

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Do they make you 'lazy' then, GPS systems?

Would that be like what 'Macs do to their 'users'? [:-))] [6]

Are you suggesting the French are somehow 'in league' with these systems though?

That would be quite foxy, and, if true,  it would be an instant comeback to all those who say there is no such thing as entrepeneurialism - and I'm hoping that is a real word - here  [:)]

Either way I quite like it.

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I don't know about lazy - they just seem a bit irrelevent, but call me old-fashioned.

I can just about see the point of them in an urban situation, whether in the UK, France or anywhere else. But out in the countryside?

As for most of the French being 'in league' & intrpren*****ism - I reckon that they'd think it was all a bit too Parisien. 

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I think an excellent way to make money in France or in the Uk is teaching those with no sense of direction how to read a map, which after all you can buy an awful lot cheaper than a Sat Nav system.

My tip is if you are going from North to South, turn the map upside down [:)] Works for me [;-)]

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[quote user="Ian Horn"]

SFA to do with France, but a bit lighter than

some of the other current 'impersonation / reptilian' stuff (no

disrespect or offence to anyone intended) and a tenuous French link, to

be explained.

Most of you will have seen / heard of the people in the UK who have

been guided by their newly-acquired GPS systems (apparently now a £300M

/ yr business) towards all sorts of road hazards - in one case a 3'

deep ford, before which there's a road sign which says "Unsuitable for

Road Vehicles". Do you know what?  They try to drive through it,

cos that's what their satnav says ........... !  Then the locals

charge £25 to tow them out.

Now the French link: someone, perhaps KKK or her pal Twinkle once

asked about employment / earning opportunities over here. More than a

few road hazards out here, eh folks? 


A colleague of my best chum got himself a new company car with sat nav.

He learned to love and trust it to such an extent that he followed it

into road works somewhere in the Midlands and ended up with his front

wheels in a trench being dug for a new gas main. Although his company

have elected to back him up, he is apparently being both sued and

prosecuted for this by many and varied parties.

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My brother in law has one of these wonderfull toys!

He was taking my dad to John Lennon airport in liverpool , ended up in a dead end back alley[Www]

If he had just followed the the little airplane pictures on the road signs ..........

Myself, I can`t read a map to save my life, i once directed MOH past versailles palace with a 17 ft caravan in tow, we were supposed to be going on the perifique(sp)!

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I was picked up from Bristol airport not long ago and the driver (KKK) had one of those annoying things in her car.  I was trying to recount my flight and lengthy wait in the airport bar (hic!) and this rude woman kept interrupting me.  Well that's what it felt like to me anyway.  By the end of the journey home I was screaming "Shut the **** up will you woman!!!" 

I know[:$]  -   you can't take me anywhere!

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If someone can tell me why you would need a satnav to find your way home, or to your friend's house (who was with you in the car), then I'll stand corrected. Otherwise, it sounds completely 'barking' to me.

Just proves my point.

The 'Mail' (I only buy it for my wife) has apparently asked for more silly satnav stories. There'll be an American looking for the Channel Tunnel terminal in the middle of Folkestone / London / Birmingham + someone from Kent wondering why he wasn't in the States when he's in Co. Durham + someone driving the wrong way down the M40 or some other motorway (I've witnessed that once - really scary).

I'll duck now, awaiting the brickbats from the US and Kent!  

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[quote user="Ian Horn"]

If someone can tell me why you would need a satnav to find your way home, or to your friend's house (who was with you in the car), then I'll stand corrected. Otherwise, it sounds completely 'barking' to me.

Just proves my point.

The 'Mail' (I only buy it for my wife) has apparently asked for more silly satnav stories. There'll be an American looking for the Channel Tunnel terminal in the middle of Folkestone / London / Birmingham + someone from Kent wondering why he wasn't in the States when he's in Co. Durham + someone driving the wrong way down the M40 or some other motorway (I've witnessed that once - really scary).

I'll duck now, awaiting the brickbats from the US and Kent!  


KKK was driving me to our home town and she wanted to avoid the main route due to the hour of my arrival (rush hour) so she asked the satnav for an alternative "shortcut".  Freakiest ride of my life[:-))]

Now - if someone can tell me what -  "I only buy it for my wife" is meant to imply -  I shall also 'stand corrected'[;-)]

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Swindon has one of the "most hit" low railway bridges in the country. On the most recent occasion it was hit by a lorry because the driver was paying more attention to the sat nav than the road signs.

A Friend was once going to Hampton Court and the machine took him to central London... right outside a Nursing Home called Hampton Court. It seems you need to include the word "Palace" to get to the popular one.

Despite both of these anecdotes..... I want one!

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