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I've just come in from the garden...


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..and found a strange email in my inbox ( where did he get my address from? ). It's from a man called Berlusconi and he's urging me to make sure I vote, whatever that may mean. He says he's had recent experience of elections and he knows every vote counts. He's offering to send his boys round to help me make up my mind. Perhaps he runs a taxi firm with his sons as drivers and he wants to take me to the polling station ( wherever that may be ) like they do with elderly voters in the UK.

Has any one else had a strange email like this?


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....and I've just had another strange email from a man offering me reconstructive knee surgery if I have any "accidents" when this Berlusconi mans' sons come round to pick me up in their taxi. Apparently he's a retired orthopaedic surgeon who used to work at CHU in Nantes and he's now retired and living somewhere near St Malo. He says I have to vote the correct way but what is the correct " way "? He's signed the email  Monsieur Iki. Has  anyone any experience of this man before he retired?


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Yet another weird email ( who keeps giving out my address ) this morning from a man who says he and his mates have just got back from Easter at Margate on their scooters. He's offering more surgery in the way of a manipulative procedure on my neck. He's promising that afterwards I won't be seeing the sun shining any longer.

Now, that's just plain daft because everyone knows we get 2500 hours of sunshine every year here on the Vendee.


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I was going to finalise this thread tonight and tell you how my email address came to be made public and the new email I've just receiver from a Mr. A R Chant who comes originally from Nigeria but now lives in Moldova because his cotisations are lower. However, Forum Admin sounds a bit grumpy today so rather than joining a "certain banned member" I'll have to leave you to guess the ending for yourselves.


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