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Re: Dont read this post if you are not interested in Miki


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Sometimes things happen in life that do not seem fair, but sometimes you just have to pick yourself up and start all over again, you can stick to your principals I suppose, but this is not life and death and there is far more to be gained for him holding his head up high and returning and sharing laughs with us as well as his great knowledge of France being so valuable to the forum.In most areas of our lives there are boundaries and the forum is no different, I know we could go on for hours with the whys and hows of the way it was dealt with and there is no point in going over old ground, this will be forgotten in a few weeks and there will be a new problem to deal with.I hope we can all put some pressure on him to come back , he has many friends here, it is an excellent forum, there will always be conflicts, he is a great character. If your peeping Miki come back stuff your principals.
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Tresco, I missed this thread at the time but its the kind of thing about him I miss the most.  He has so much to offer on this forum, its such a shame he isn't here.  Lets hope he is able or wants to come back soon.


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[quote user="Tresco"]

Vervialle. I don't know whether you saw it but it's worth it:

Scroll down the thread for:

 The Tale of Mikis Goat


[/quote]Excellent he is such an entertainer, I never can understand why people are wary of him.If he started slating me off I would send him a sarcastic P.M. just to make me feel better, and I would speak the next day, going through life without grudges is more of a challenge.
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I hope you all scrolled down for the full story. I love TU's response; 'Only in France. Only in France...'

Yes Twinks, well spotted that sig, but bizarrely he was never called that name.

That change happened after he was banned. I always wondered how someone could alter their name after their registration was cancelled. Perhaps Miki should try altering his now...

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When I'd got my head around the double negative in the title and realised that I should read it because I am interested in Miki, I too was reminded by that story that, on balance, he is a big loss to us. I suppose it was inevitable that Forum Admin would uphold the decision taken by the moderators he appointed. I am also assured that having two log-in identities will result in an immediate ban, as will returning if you have been banned before, so under those rules I don't, unfortunately, see how he can return to the fold. Particularly as in a message he sent me yesterday Miki said that he has now been told that the ban is non-negotiable even if he does apologise (which he tells me he has no intention of doing as he has still not been told exactly what he is supposed to be apologising for).

There is one thing I'd disagree with in the dance story though, and that is the statement that it could only happen in France. The idea of winning a goat at a dance is even more Irish than Breton - perhaps our good friend Furryknickers would agree.

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I have to agree there Mr Conker! They have given animal prizes in Ireland for as long as I can remember and as long as me Mammy and her mammy can remember too! The Breton people and the Irish are very similar in many ways. There was many a time back in Kildare, that we survived on animals given as prizes!

Me poor Mammy told me about the Horse painting contest in Kildare one sunday back in the early 60's, and the first prize was a night out with Joe Dolan and a years supply of Calvita cheese. Me Mammy wanted the cheese very badly, but she was no good at painting horses! So she made an arrangement with owl Gerry Boyle (the bread delivery man for Kelly's bakery in Kilcock) He  was great at painting and saw himself as the local Van goff, he even changed his name to Gerry Van Boyle, and had his hair dyed ginger.

Gerry used to do a lot of mowing with his little qualcast push mower, and would get these terrible blisters on the palms of his hands, and sometimes the blisters would bleed! one time he was giving Mrs Brennan her sliced batch when she noticed the red blood marks on his hands and she screamed and dropped her batch and yelled "bejaney you are a stigmartin" now poor Gerry had no idea what a stigmartin was untill Mrs Brennan told him. He never let on the marks were only from blisters from all his mowing! Word got round about him very quickly, and everyone started bringing all their sick to him to be healed, he was interviewed by radio Shamrock and even was on the Late Late show on the telly.

Well as me Mammy knew the truth about him, she was able to perswade him to paint a horse for her, and hand over all the cheese if he won! He actually did win the contest and we gorged ourselves on the cheese so much that it was all gone in 3 months!




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What a lovely story, as always Mr Nix. Fair takes me back to me time in the plains of Wexford, before I took up in the Beara Peninsula. What colour did Gerry paint the horse, or was he a fan of patterns, like these http://www.cowparade.com/about/? That Gay Byrne had the most interesting people on his show, much more interesting than that Jonafan Woss, or Graham Norton, though he was on Father Ted if I remember it well.

I've decided to ban Miki the cat from our living room, just like his human namesake has been discarcerated from this place. He really is too argumentative for his own right, and keeps picking arguments with the indoor cats. His latest crime is winding up a nice little female puss who we got from an appeal on this forum. We can't have Miki upsetting those favoured by Living France, can we?

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It appears so. James Parfitt did say that he would consider telling the forum what was going on, but he seems to have decided not to. Similarly, the matter to which TeamedUp alludes in which untrue allegations were made has quietly disappeared without any public apology or explanation.

However, as we are reminded elsewhere, discussion of the running of the forum in a public thread is not permitted by the rules, so please be careful and do not say anything which might be construed as a criticism of the moderators.

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I  really did not think he would be banned for ever, I thought you just got a sentence unless it was really bad.So now we have to try and persuade him to appologize,I know we don,t know exactly what he has done but whatever it is,and if he does not know exactly what it is he might as well appologize anyway,whats a couple of sentences in your life,its just being a bit two faced for once , some people behave like that all the time.We know his true caracter, gosh I have been reading his posts for a couple of years.A young friend of mine who is 35 years old is dying of cancer and she has a two year old,it makes Miki,s ban seem so daft.Miki if you are peeping, just appologize and we will have a party on the lighter side,I will provide the red stuff and KKK might like to be the caberet.Just Do it Miki.
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I agree Vervialle.  Miki is sorely missed and I felt really bad that I couldn't support him last weekend on Twinkle's thread.  However, I was staying with my friend who has Parkinson's Disease and in a lot of pain at the moment and I also couldn't remember my password to access the LF site (old age).  My priority was to spend quality time with my friend and not to be worrying about what was going on on the forum.  I'm home now, so worrying again.  Come back Miki !
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