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maybe a stupid question


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We have one of those fly guns Pip, although I'm not revisiting my boyhood!Woot! [:-))] Also it only stuns them & you still have to kill them. I'm a good shot, if you have a drink on the table!  (JJ)

You're quite right JJ, it only stuns them.  OH finishes the job off, while I look the other way - so cruel............  [:(]  Perhaps if I took his drink away ?!! [:D]

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]£3.95 on ebay - just ordered.


As you will see from the racquet instructions, it will say not to touch it when it is switched on. Unfortunately, under the affluence of incerhol one night, I decided to demonstrate said swatter to my visiting parents and brother / sister-in-law. The resultant 'BANG' as my finger made contact had my lovely family in floods of laughter for almost 5 minutes. Apparently my face was a picture! It hurt, it burned my finger, it is not recommended [:(]

Have fun!

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We suffered with the flies all last summer and the start of this before succumbing to buying a furry hanging curtain for the front door - and hey presto, it actually helped enormously! [:D] 

The number of flies in the house was considerably reduced.  This would be ideal at your back door, but you do really need to keep the windows shut too though!

Good Luck,



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That's the trouble, isn't it - as soon as you open a window for some air you are invaded. I suppose flyscreens would help, but they seem an extreme solution and spoil the view. We often have 30 cows just across the lane or closer, and the flies can be very annoying.

As I said earlier the other trouble is the flyspotting - sometimes it's impossible to get out.

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We  got a nice wooden bead curtain on our kitchen door which helps, but if you want to impress your friends in your lightening reactions in swatting flies try this.....

When a fly takes to the air it takes off and flies up and backwards,,, OK so far? If you want to smack it and say 'naughty fly' then just clap your hands together about 6 inches above and slightly behind the take off point. 9 times out of 10 the fly will fly directly into your clapping hands and even if you miss a direct hit it is stunned by the shock wave from the clap and you can stand on it! Good 'ere init? 'onest it works. It also works with wasps and the beauty of it is that the wasp is so stunned by the clap it won't even try to sting, it doesn't get chance...

John. [8-|]

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My father had a trick in which he would do that to catch a fly, and then drown it in a glass of water. When it was obviously dead (to us kids) he would get it out and put it on the table and then pour a pile of salt over it. A few minutes later the fly would struggle out of the salt and fly away. As kids we were amazed. He said that the water was drawn out of the fly by the salt, but I think that as flies 'breathe' by osmosis the water just knoocked them out and they would have recovered anyway.

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No this is not a stupid question.  Flies are the most annoying thing about an Australian summer,  I think we are the most fly bown Country in the world. 

I think the most sensible thing to do is fit fly screens, and I am posisting a do it yourself link.  Of course it uses Australia names and equipment in its discription, but any DIY handy person will get the guist.

Security lockable fly screen door fitted  along side your external doors are the answer.  They can be locked at night and you have the security and the breeze. Not sure if you can get them, but by the numbers  form members posting that they are driven mad by flies and mosies I think this could be a good business opportunity for someone with a bit of initiative, come to think of it door to door salesperson.  Sorry couldn't resist that.

There's no flies on me!  Well its Winter init!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I bought one of those electric fly swatter tennis raquet thingies today in Brest. 

They are the best fun ever[6]

I have no regrets because I am fed up with having those horrible flies that leave their dots of poo everywhere.

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