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thrilled - junk mail


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[quote user="Department71"]

I remember when I was a kid (years ago) JW's called and asked my dad "have you found Jesus" his reply, "No have you lost him".

Then told them to go away. Think it worked.




That's as bad as the comedian Chic Murray's story of being in London

when someone seeking directions asked him, "Do you know the Battersea

Dogs' Home?"  "No," replied Chic, "I didn't know it had left."

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With reference to Llwncelyn earlier, I had a fellow Welshman living close to me in married quarters, in Plymouth some years ago, when he got the celestial knock on the door he would reply to their question that he was a "Welsh Tobacconist", and by the time they had realised what he said, the door was closed again.

I think the worst thing about all these that they won't take 'yes' for an answer either, it only makes them stay longer

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  • 3 weeks later...
Best thing to do with junk mail is to post it back to the sender in the envelopes they provide, that way they are charged the postage because the envelope has been used.  If the junk has been addressed to 'The Occupier' (is it les occupiers in French) still post it back. In England, the Royal Mail make money from delivering the junk mail, hence no hurry to stop it, but if between us we can regularly block up the postboxes with their junk, they may think twice, as might some big businesses when they realise they are getting nothing through in terms of orders etc from genuine customers.
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