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Sometimes this Kissing has to Stop.


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My friend's Dad does not like to see men 'bisous'ing'. He really believes that it is unnatural and that the men who do it are probably 'that way', his words. He is english.

Men do it all the time around here, my husband and boys included. I think they and our french friens would be highly insulted by such unsavoury thoughts.

So do you blokes bisous other blokes, or do you stick with the handshake.

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I've seen blokes 'bisous'ing in Belgium a lot but hardly at all in France.  I have never done it and never would, just a bit too alien for me, handshakes all round fine, bisous? no.  I thought I was reasonably broad minded but I was caught out a little time ago on the metro in Paris.  Two 'blokes' suddenly engaged in 'gros bisous' right in front of me.  In fact the 'bisous' was so 'gros' it would properly be described as tonsil washing.  Not in public, please, and at the way they were going for it, not even between opposite sexes - get a room!
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Faire la bise, a bisous in a public place, between friends and aquaintences and not lovers, is surely only a cheek thing, with variations. IE kissing of the cheek(s), just touching of the cheeks or not quite touching the cheeks.

Tonsil tickling is quite another thing and the relationship between the participants is surely quite quite different. [:)]

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My husband bisous his close male friends, workmates and family members - it's quite common for other musiciens and roadies in France to do this. 

JKs husband is always surprised by this and once they turned up at my place early in the morning 'en route' to their gite to say hello.  My husband had been playing the night before and was still in bed.  I said to JK and her hubby to pop upstairs to say hello to him and Mr JK turned all the colours of the rainbow before saying "There's no way I'm kissing him in bed!"

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Mr RG seems to spend his first half hour at work every day doing the rounds of shaking hands with the men and kissing the wimmin.

He says he feels sorry for the wimmin sometimes, having to have such close contact with such a motley crew of males.

Don't see men kissing each other very often, but the ones that do, I'd say they're generally very confident in their masculinity.  No way is it a sign of being a closet gay!

As for glasses, I think the man should take his off.  

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I've never seen any of the kind of bisouing that Pierre XXX (as I now think of him) describes.

Mr T only handshakes with men, but does air kisses with women.

I do something verging on 'air' kisses unless I really like them. Then I grab 'em and contact kiss them. That goes down well. People have started doing it back to me.

Or maybe they are just pre-empting me?[:D]


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Isn't it funny that you do the bisous thing with Brits that are living in France as well?  When I pick up firends and family frm the airport here I bisous them too! 


I'm a bear hugger smacking ksser too as you know!  We nearly killed each other when we met - remember?  I air kissed your OH because I couldn't get close enough for anymore - he's soooo tall!

I worked with another female singer last summer and she asked me not to do the smacking kiss so loud as it hurt her eardrums!  Cheeky so-and-so!  I asked her if she preferred that I shake her hand.

Or her neck![:@]

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I would only kiss the cheek of someone I like. Otherwise it varies between as you have all so well described and an air kiss where nothing touches or cheeks touchting slightly with an air kiss.

When I go home to England I bisous when I arrive and bisous when I leave and that is it, whether we be there for a few days or a few months. And in our bit of the north east, as I have no idea as to whether it happens anywhere else, a peck on the lips is perfectly acceptable from certain family members and friends on certain occassions.

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[quote user="Teamedup"]

And in our bit of the north east, as I have no idea as to whether it happens anywhere else, a peck on the lips is perfectly acceptable from certain family members and friends on certain occassions.


It happens down South too, well in the bits I come from! Nice to hear somebody else still pecks on the lips, instead of mwaah'ing, to certain people of course.


Pierre, Zededee For President?

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You're all a load of woosses. Avoid the ten pinters, two kisses for the average hello, three for someone influential or younger than oneself (assuming they're not a ten pinter), four for good friends and attractive blonds and tongues if you just can't help yourself![:D]

I'm like Twinks, I couldn't give much of a stuff for etiquette, I tend to just pick up the good female friends we have and bear hug 'em and hug the bloke friends I have too. It's just normal and beats the hell out of the Brit standoffishness.

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[quote user="Chris Head"]

I tend to just pick up the good female friends we have and bear hug 'em and hug the bloke friends I have too. It's just normal and beats the hell out of the Brit standoffishness.


The kids were watching some stupid kids sitcom the telly the other day, one with James Belushi (I think) in it and he was down in the dumps and 'needed a hug'.

One of the other guys in  the  show approached him arms wide and said "C'mon big guy, give us some broke-back-mountain"  LMAO [:D]

I'm sure there were complaints to the TV station from viewers in the southern states.

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