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Eurovision any one?....


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Are you watching the Eurovision any one?...

Just asking as I missed most of it (Thank you for small mercies!!) but I am just catching up on the rye, sarcastic commentary that only Terry Wogan can get away with... and all the attributing of the votes... UK was languishing at 'nul point' for a very long time until the Irish gave them 7!.... and thanks for that the UK gave 'nul point' to the Irish. At least one knows one's friends....

My amazement is that the eastern block is running away with the points so well done to them! Serbia is the winner.....

I was glad a few years ago that the iron curtain fell, for all these people behind it to join a better world but this evening : I would like this iron curtain to be raised again so that they can keep all that bad taste cheesy TV and stage the contest between themselves!! and pleeeeeze BBC spend our licence money more wisely!..... 

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I was working tonight and I missed it like I do every year since Bucks Fizz won!  I love it! 

Me and OH watched the semi final on Thursday night and giggled like mad at the hair, songs, voices ,dance routines, make-up etc. etc.  It is the best entertainment ever.  The French entry is absolute lunacy!!!!

Who won?

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One thing is a racing certainty, the likes of France, Ireland, Germany and the UK, will never again stand the remotest chance of winning this farce of a contest.

I only saw the voting and the re-run of the winning song. The voting bordered on being corrupt, with each one of the overwhelming majority of eastern block countries only voting for each other. The Scandinavian countries did similar. It is obvious they have no interest in the songs that originate from outside their respective areas. This situation will now occur every year and thus, countries such as ours are totally wasting their time in taking part.

And if that awful winning song was actually the best, then all the others must have been very, very, poor. 

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[quote user="Mel "]

One thing is a racing certainty, the likes of France, Ireland, Germany and the UK, will never again stand the remotest chance of winning this farce of a contest.

I only saw the voting and the re-run of the winning song. The voting bordered on being corrupt, with each one of the overwhelming majority of eastern block countries only voting for each other. The Scandinavian countries did similar. It is obvious they have no interest in the songs that originate from outside their respective areas. This situation will now occur every year and thus, countries such as ours are totally wasting their time in taking part.

And if that awful winning song was actually the best, then all the others must have been very, very, poor. 


..so you must be a fan of that t*sser  Terry Wogan?  so UK didn't win because the song was rubbish???



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Apparently the Western European countries are calling for a "Western European Song Contest" as they know they will never have a chance of winning - due to the political vote rigging.

Personnally I think it's a load of toss - & agree that the BBC should spend it's money elsewhere. 

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I stopped watching the rubbish about ten years ago as I find it very embarrasing and as for Terry Wogan...well, he should have been pensioned off years ago. I cannot stand listening to him on the radio and certainly do not want to hear his pathetic jokes on TV.
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Eurovision Song Contest???    I cannot abide it and certainly do not watch it which I'm sure is a sentiment shared by millions worldwide!

Auntie Beeb should spend our money on decent programming rather than this old tosh, moreover churning out indescribable pap that in the Real Music Business would not stand a hope in hell of making one single Euro in profit makes a total nonsense of real musicians who indeed have talent.   Where do they find these contestants anyway?    Does someone trawl the streets looking for barmpots who imagine they are gifted with a Voice, or are they all Simon Cowell rejects as I suspect?   (Apologies to Sir Cliff & ABBA for that reference!).

I say let the former  Eastern Bloch have it as a special gift then we won't have the likes of the peculiar Serbian lot, last years weird heavy metallers or indeed Scooch assailing our ears again.   PLEASE Auntie -  don't buy Eurovision again!!!!

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I quite liked Lordi last year, at least they were different.  Does it matter one whit or jot who wins or loses? I couldn't hum ANY of the tunes from the last 10 years or more. Maybe it's because it's Poptastic drivel.  I suppose it's cheap tele for the BBC to put on, looks glam, costs nothing (unless you're the country unlucky enough to win).  Give it a couple of years and you'll only see it on Sky anyway.
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No at the end of the day it doesn't matter who wins, because whoever does gets lumbered with staging the debacle next year as well as being associated with having the dubious "honour" of having actually gone out of their way to win it!   I guess it does make for some cringeworthy viewing though.
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I found this explainationat this blog - here's the link http://yayamusic.canalblog.com/archives/2007/05/14/4951708.html .

Et l'italie ?
L'Italie, multiples victoires à ce concours eurovision s'est retirée..mais pourquoi ?...2 raisons..1. pour les raisons du magnifique concours de San Remo mettant en valeur tous les artistes stars et non stars de l'italie...2. Car l'Italie n'est pas interéssé pour des bandes playbacks
car en Italie, les musiciens font toujours partie du décor ( encore 70 musiciens pour San Remo  cette année..) et toutes les émissions de variétés sont avec des musiciens...ce pays démontre au moins les qualités de l'artistique..

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