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Is this a cucumber?


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At the checkout at Casino Geant the following conversation, in French, took place.

Checkout assistant holding up cucumber: "Is this a cucumber?"

Me: "Yes".

Assistant holds up parsley: "What's this?"

Me: "Parsley".

Assistant:"Is it curled or flat?"


I dare say the training may be somewhat inadequate but not recognising a cucumber? Perhaps when I next go in I'll give her a bus ticket and tell her it's a €50 note.


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  • 2 weeks later...
    You wouldn't believe the problems I had on the Saturday before Christmas when I went to our local LeClerc just to get some parsnips - while I was there I spotted a red cabbage and thought - that will be nice cooked up with some onions and apples.  Unfortunately the checkout girl thought that my red cabbage was a black radish..........  to cut a long story short when I explained at the acceuil that I had been charged for something I didn't have I had my trolley searched as if I was a shoplifter....................

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  • 3 weeks later...

[quote user="bixy"]At the checkout at Casino Geant the following conversation, in French, took place.

Checkout assistant holding up cucumber: "Is this a cucumber?"
Me: "Yes".
Assistant holds up parsley: "What's this?"
Me: "Parsley".
Assistant:"Is it curled or flat?"

I dare say the training may be somewhat inadequate but not recognising a cucumber? Perhaps when I next go in I'll give her a bus ticket and tell her it's a €50 note.


Forgive me for being confused, you said the conversation was in French but did the assistant use the French words "Concombre" and "Persil" or the English as in your posting?

That way I can then understand whether the inadequate training relates to English words or vegetable recognition!

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