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I know of no cafe at all in the entire region of 66 that serves a 'full english'.  Now, there is a new english-owned shop out at Canet Plage that does pommy grub. I intend to pay hommage soon. Yes, I can do bacon and eggs here, but it is a treat to have someone else cook it for you!. [:-))]
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If you've sold up in the UK, gone to live in France and are a permanent resident there, however much it offends your sensibilities, you're an immigrant. For me, people who use the erm "ex-patriate" or expat are simply deluding themselves that they are somehow a cut abovepeople like the Poles, Czechs and Romanians coming to Britain. There's no doubt about it, the term "immigrant" is used most often these days in the UK to convey disdain and discomfort towards people entering the UK and settling, working and generally making a life there and contributing to the local economy. It always strikes me as odd that many who move to France insist that they're settling, working, making a life there and contributing to the local economy, yet insist on labelling themselves as "expats" without any irony whatsoever.
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[quote user="KathyC"]

Sorry to be pedantic but shouldn't your tag line be 2525? a. it's correct and b. it rhymes.



Betty's 'tag line' refers to some other important date and she is just useing the song to highlight that event!![;-)]


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As far as I can tell/

- If you re-locate to another country and participate economically - immigrant

- If you are visiting - either a temporary worker or tourist

-If you are rtired and not economically engaged with the system  - LUCKY so and so's.

Ex-pat is a terrible term carrying implications of 'above it all', not quite colonial but in that direction. 


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