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Winters coming...............................


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Interesting. I have just ben listening to Julian Worricker sits in for Jeremy and talks to the people who make the headlines.
an Worricker sits in for Jeremy and talks to the people who make the headlines.

 slot Rad 2. The main problem seems to be the way we have covered everywhere with Tarmac and Concrete. So there you go.
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I don't care what the reason is now; I have water on the brain, and OH announced to me today that he thought he might have 'trench foot' (!).   In truth I am not sure he even knows what trench foot is, but nonetheless he is convinced he has it; on second thoughts, it seems possible.   

I think I may be going slightly insane now...      Been out all day mopping out the 'pool' (for want of a better word) in the vain hope that we can get the stupid thing finished at some point this year.

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In the short spell  of sun shine today I ran out to mow the lawn but the wind was blowing so hard things floating around kept hitting me it was like a reactment of wizard of Oz I was waiting to be whisked off mower in hand floating past my neighbours windows   
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Having just bought a holiday home in France (for the weather among other things) I could not believe what I was reading in our local newspaper just now.

Shetland has experienced the second driest June on record since records began on the islands in 1914.  Whilst other parts of the UK were battling with heavy rain and severe flooding Shetland had only a fifth of its average rainfall for the month of June!


I don't believe it.  In a place where the rain is usually horizontal and the windspeed off the scale, what is happening.  It still won't stop me heading to France later this month.  Hopefully we can take the weather with us!


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He is at work so I can get at the machine for a while, but he is currently battling against the Opposition  in Call of Duty III in and around Normandy.   (Our place is just outside the Falaise Pocket so it could be our garden I spose).   

However, its mighty considerate of the old bosch to continue the battle when he gets home from work though!.   He has been doing battle with Americans lately but they are pretty sore losers and they get him turfed out of the game if he beats them too often - sound familiar to you Trumpet old bean??  

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Alas 'tis true.  I collide with The Biggie - 50 - next year so I would have been a little gal in the sixties wouldn't I?

Anyway I gotta close now as my little grand-daughter is clamouring for her lunch - macaroni cheese, her staple diet! - then her Mum will be here to collect her.   Then the dogs are pestering to go walkies so I shall be offline and the bosch will be waiting for their opponent to come home to them to reconvene battle.

Seriously, hubby and my sons are all hooked on this game, especially with the on-line link-up where you can play people from across the world.   You could be Sgt.Trumpet the bomb expert or something exciting like that.    Its obviously a Bloke Thing!  [:)]

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