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On my way to carcassonne


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Just had to tell you about a little lad I saw at stanstead airport last week, I first saw him at the  check in queue, he was very sweet about 7/8 ish seemed quiet and well behaved and was having a great time as this was the first time he had been on a plane, a clever little lad who asked sensible questions of very patience nice parents about all he saw around him.

Later they just happened to sit in front of me in the plane, Both the lad and I had window seats so I could see his face as we lifted off and went through the clouds,( his face was a picture)  once we were up he suddenly looked quite upset and asked in horror "Mum wheres granny" I was thinking oh god they have left her behind and not realised ............ But both parents turned with looks of concern and the mother said matthew you know granny died 2 years ago. " But you said when granny died that she was living on the clouds and was watching me and making sure I was Ok" The parents looked very uncomfortable and said " well matthew do you remenber 2 years ago when granny died how upset you where so we told you that to make you feel that granny was still with you." He didnt answer but turned back to look out of the window , I watched his face as he chewed over that one. 2 mins later he turned back and said " well where did you put her then ? " I had to laugh .[:D]

So please be very careful what you tell your children as they do remenber everything you say.....          

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