Gastines Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 I watched the Pride of Britain show the other night and I wondered if it was only me that sat screaming at the TV. I just hoped that when the little girl who had suffered Meningitis stood on her new legs/feet on the stage, with her father who working in Iraq as a security officer to pay for an extension to her home for her wheelchair access etc, that the compere would have asked , very loudly,to G.Brown.P.M. sitting in the audience, what he thought of his system . That one family has to go through that while Lord Smug of the Audit office claims £360.000 inc.£64.000 for his wife ,in travelling expenses? Why are the photo shoots only at the Openings, not at the dozens of A&E 's care- homes etc that are being shut down? I note the lady in charge of the Management? teams of the 3 Kent Hospitals has had her SEVERANCE cheque stopped? I thought she had resigned? Why the severance pay? No wonder the NHS is going down the drain.Your views welcomed. Off to take my blood pressure pills.Paid for.Regards.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
woolybanana Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 Welcome to the club Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Russethouse Posted October 12, 2007 Share Posted October 12, 2007 I suppose we could just admire the guys initiative and 'can do ' attitude ?Yes, of course he/they could have waited and 'possibly' got help, but all credit to him for taking action himself. I just pray he achieves his objective and gets back to his family safe and well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnOther Posted October 13, 2007 Share Posted October 13, 2007 I didn't see the particular programme but it's typical of so many other instances and does fair make your blood boil.At a tangent, I see that "elf & safety" are gearing up for Christmas again prohibiting erection of lights "just in case". Where they are deemed safe to erect ladders cannot be used so it has to be by (expensive) hydraulic platforms.A a final slam dunk they say they cannot be attached to street lights or buildings. Well that doesn't leave very much then does it because there are no trees left as they've all been cut down in case a falling conker or Sycamore seed viciously assaults a passer by !In Scotland, or at least in Aberdeen, they apparently have their own solution: the lights are left up year round because A. they can't afford to take them down. and B. No doubt "elf & safety" have risk assessed taking them down as more hazardous then leaving them up.Whilst I'm getting into a rant and talking of ladders, has anybody seen that "Accident Claims Direct" (or whatever they're called) advert on the TV where some twonk says he was installing alarms and he fell claiming they gave him the "wrong" ladder.....HELLOOO - WAKEY WAKEY - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE WRONG LADDER ONLY THE PILLOCK WHO USES ONE INCORRECTLY [:-))]Finally here offshore it's not a risk assessment any more but a "Job Hazard Analysis" so that's another forest gone as we throw away dozens of boxes of the nicely printed (full colour of course) Risk Assessment forms to be replaced with the new, equally pretty and full colour, JHA forms which, in a year's time, they'll change all over again. I tell you I really have to bite my tongue on a daily basis.Now see what you've done Gastines, got me all worked up, and [:@] and so early in the morning too, I'm off for a cuppa and a lie down before I hurt my self [Www] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
powerdesal Posted October 13, 2007 Share Posted October 13, 2007 Caution: Cuppas may contain hot liquids. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Framboise Posted October 22, 2007 Share Posted October 22, 2007 Latest today from the Planet Loony in UK.Fireman have been banned from putting up Christmas lights because ladders are dangerous.........So next time there is a fire and there is someone trapped on an upper floor, does this mean that the firemen - oh sorry Firefighters - will not be allowed to attempt to rescue them because it involves a ladder? If it were me waiting to be saved, I'd eagerly accept being on a "dangerous ladder" rather than being turned into a crispy critter. Well done H & S AGAIN!! [:'(] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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